48 l. ft.; Boxes 1-194; Boxes 1-6

Research Availability:
Open - all records in the subject category have been processed and are available for research
Partial - some of the records in the subject category have been processed and available for research
None - no records in the subject category have been processed nor made available for research
N/A  - no records in this category

File Code Description Research
FG Federal Government Organizations (14.2; Box 1-36)
This primary subject category contains material relating to the establishment of regulations and rules by Federal departments and agencies; reports from the President’s Task Force on Regulatory Reform; editing and composition of the Regulatory Program of the United States Government; legislation implementing regulatory and rule-making reform; “Radar Reports” on upcoming proposed regulations and rules; regulatory reform for specific issues and agencies including housing, affirmative action and quotas, the financial industry and environmental regulations; Executive Orders on federalism, regulations, rule-making and intergovernmental review of regulations; the “New Federalism”; negotiations and policy implications of block grants to states for Federal programs such as welfare and medical programs; weekly reports on intergovernmental contacts and relations of Federal departments and agencies; weekly calendars of legislative issues; weekly/daily calendars of events in the White House and at agencies; second administration’s “Evening Digest of Agency Reports;” reports on financial review of all agencies/departments; the firing of 15 Inspectors General; Inspectors General legislation; Office of Policy Development issue papers, issue luncheons and early warnings on issues within agencies and departments of interest to the White House; legislative veto and Congressional oversight of agency/departmental rule-making; federal government management and reorganization; public support and opposition to regulatory reform and Reagan federalism policies.

President of the United States (11.7 l. ft; Box 36-96)
This secondary subject category contains materials relating to summaries of administration accomplishments, strategic planning exercises, long range planning, administration communication themes, the “Reagan Record,”  lists of materials seen by the President, public letters of support scheduling, polling information, recommended weekend reading for the President, public relations election planning and strategy, and weekly reports/updates of Administration activities and issues.

This secondary subject category also includes copies of the President’s Weekly Update. The update was intended as a supplement to the weekly Monday meetings held with the President and the heads of major offices within the White House. The format evolved over time and expanded to include more reporting by the end of the second administration. In its final format the updates contained material relating to a block schedule for the President for the week and month; newsworthy Presidential or administration events with press guidance; scheduled Cabinet or Cabinet Council meetings with agendas; legislative status reports and potential meetings with Congress; communications strategies for the week; intergovernmental relations and the status of state elections; budget, regulations and appropriations reports and domestic and policy issue reports. Up until May 1984 the Weekly Update also contained a National Security Council status memo.


Delegations of Authority (0.8 l. ft; Box 96-97)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to executive orders delegating Presidential authority, to cabinet members and other administration officials, to make reports to Congress, to negotiate, to make appointments, and to implement foreign assistance.


Personal Representative of the President (3 l. ft; Box 98-105)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to appointments to U.S. delegations and Presidential missions; appointments as a Presidential representative for conferences, inaugurations and funerals; and reports of election observers.


Inaugurations (2.2 ft; Box 105-111)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the 1981 and 1985 inaugurals; inaugural messages, thank you letters to inaugural participants, inaugural planning, inaugural mementoes, requests to appear in the 1985 inaugural, and material from former presidential inaugurals.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:




Transition to Incoming Administration (1.6 ft; Box 111-114)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to 1981 and 1989 Presidential transitions; letters from the public, Presidential thank you letters to transition team members, transition health care issues, review of transition activities at selected agencies, amendments to the Presidential Transition Act, and transition assignments and guidelines for the 1989 transition.


Former Presidents  (.1 ft; Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to continuing White House privileges for former Presidents; continued legislation to alter funds and facilities for former Presidents; public inquires regarding expenditures and Secret Service protection for former Presidents; a campaign to improve former President’s grave sites; and legal status of transition money for construction costs of soon-to-be former President’s office.


Washington, George (2 folders, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Steuben Society’s 300th anniversary; a possible celebration of the 200th anniversary of Washington’s first oath as President; copies of Washington’s letter on the on the Constitution and Farewell Address and a news article on George Washington.


Adams, John (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to information on the Abigail Adams Historical Society sent to First Lady Nancy Reagan.


Jefferson, Thomas (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a Thomas Jefferson letter to James Madison regarding the national debt and material on the Dumas Malone biography of Thomas Jefferson.


Madison, James (Empty)


Monroe, James (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Monroe Doctrine, the history of its invocation by the United States and modern applications of the Doctrine

FG002-06 Adams, John Quincy (Empty) N/A

Jackson, Andrew  (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a request for publication of the illustration of Jackson’s inauguration, “The President’s Levee” by Robert Cruikshank.

FG002-08 Van Buren, Martin (Empty) N/A
FG002-09 Harrison, William H.  (Empty) N/A
FG002-10 Tyler, John (Empty) N/A

Polk, James K. (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to March 4, 1849 and the postponed inaugural of President Taylor.

FG002-12 Taylor, Zachary (Empty) N/A
FG002-13 Fillmore, Millard (Empty) N/A
FG002-14 Pierce, Franklin (Empty) N/A
FG002-15 Buchanan, James (Empty) N/A

Lincoln, Abraham  (2 folders, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Lincoln quotes sent to Reagan; citizens’ accounts of meeting Lincoln and possessing a Lincoln letter; request to see “Bliss” copy of Gettysburg Address for a lawsuit; possible uses of the Lincoln Home National Historic Site and the request for Reagan to address the nation on the 100th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address in November 1988.

FG002-17 Johnson, Andrew (Empty) N/A

Grant, Ulysses S. (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the publication of the collected papers of President Grant.

FG002-19 Hayes, Rutherford B. (Empty) N/A
FG002-20 Garfield, James A. (Empty) N/A
FG002-21 Arthur, Chester A.  (Empty) N/A

Cleveland, Grover (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a Grover Cleveland quote and a request for information on Jenny Lander, a tutor to Cleveland’s daughter.

FG002-23 Harrison, Benjamin (Empty) N/A

McKinley, William (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the auction of Ida Saxton McKinley’s birth home in Canton, Ohio.


Roosevelt, Theodore (1 folder, Box 1)          
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a Roosevelt anecdote regarding the world tour of the US Navy sent to President Reagan.


Taft, William Howard (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a President Taft land grant and acknowledgement regarding Taft’s train ride through Tampico, Illinois.


Wilson, Woodrow (1 folder, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a photocopy of Wilson’s 1913 Inaugural Address.

FG002-28 Harding, Warren G. (Empty) N/A

Coolidge, Calvin  (2 folders, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to information about President Coolidge; specifically correspondence to and from President Reagan regarding President Coolidge.


Hoover, Herbert C. (2 folders, Box 1)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Hoover biography completed in 1983; use of Nancy Reagan photos in the Hoover Library Association’s newsletter; a birthday greeting for Hoover in 1983; a copy of Hoover remarks about American aid to Russia for the “Great Famine”; and Reagan’s recollections of meeting President Hoover.


Roosevelt, Franklin D. (0.1ft; Box 2)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to various comparisons between Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt; Reagan involvement with the 100th anniversary of the birthdays of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt; restoration of the Roosevelt birthplace at the Roosevelt Library; and Reagan assistance with the endowment drive for the Roosevelt Library.


Truman, Harry S. (2 folders, Box 2)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to upkeep on the Harry Truman birthplace in Independence, Missouri; copies of the Truman Library newsletter; articles on Harry Truman, especially political victories; past Presidents thoughts on Truman; and selection of a funeral wreath for Bess Truman.


Eisenhower, Dwight D. (3 folders, Box 2)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to formation of the Dwight D. Eisenhower World Affairs Institute; copies of Eisenhower quotes and statements, copies of Eisenhower’s final radio and television addresses; a Richard Wirthlin poll on Eisenhower popularity; events at the Eisenhower Library for the 40th anniversary of D-Day; and possible Presidential comments for a PBS documentary on Eisenhower.


Kennedy, John F. (2 folders; Box 2)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to an analysis of Kennedy quotations; a copy of the 1961 Kennedy inaugural address; and requests from the public for various facts and information about Kennedy.


Johnson, Lyndon B. (1 folder, Box 2)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the award of the Congressional Gold Medal to Lady Bird Johnson, the ceremony held in 1988 at the White House to present the medal and the letters of appreciation from the Johnson family for the event.


Nixon, Richard M. (1.0 ft, Box 2-4)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to correspondence with the Nixon office; multiple public protests of Nixon’s selection as a US representative to the Anwar Sadat funeral; public requests for replacement of Nixon items; extensive documents for a lawsuit claiming Watergate caused damage to the individual; formation of policy for review and executive issues for three openings of Nixon papers in 1986, 1987 and 1988; Nixon comments on the former President’s foreign policy briefing book; public addresses by Nixon in the 1980s and a small amount of correspondence with Nixon.


Ford, Gerald R. (0.1 ft.; Box 5)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to President and Mrs. Ford visit with the Reagans at the White House in 1981; President Ford speeches; White House input for President Ford speeches; Ford’s honorary chairmanship of a private group assisting disabled Americans; reviews of the Ford administration; documents photocopied from the Ford Library for the Reagan administration.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 








Carter, James Earl, Jr. (0.4 ft.; Box 5-6)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to President Jimmy Carter’s policies and programs; press refunds from former President Carter’s trip to Italy, Spain and Portugal in June, 1980; newspaper and magazine articles about Carter; reports analyzing the Carter administration’s policies; meeting between President Reagan and Carter to discuss Carter’s trip to the Middle East; Carter and Reagan correspondence and information on the Jimmy Carter Library and the historical site in Plains, Georgia.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 



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