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Showing 6126 - 6150 of 12307 items
Title Sort descending Access Restrictions Control Number Date Geographic Reference Personal Reference Sound Type Tape Number Time Counter Reading
President Reagan's Remarks on Signing the National Historically Black Colleges Week Proclamation. Roosevelt Room None 06270-7T-W321-628 09/24/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 628 00:00-11:07
President Reagan's Remarks on Signing the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. State Dining Room None 0660-3T-S606-555 01/07/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan, George Bush, Trent Lott, Strom Thurmond, Mark Hatfield, James Watt, Don Hodel, James Watt SD 555 00:00-06:55
President Reagan's remarks on signing the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982. (cut camera) cuts of crowd. State Dining Room None 0660-3T-S604-552 01/06/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan, Drew Lewis, Richard Schweiker, Dan Rostenkowski, Bob Packwood, Richard Lugar, Al D'Amato SD 552 00:00-03:45
President Reagan's remarks on signing the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982. State Dining Room None 0660-3T-S604-551 01/06/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 551 00:00-06:00
President Reagan's Remarks on Signing the Tax Reform Act into Law. South Lawn None 06270-7T-W032-047 10/22/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, George Bush, Dan Moynihan, Robert Dole, Jack Kemp, Robert Byrd, Richard Gebhardt, Strom Thurmond, Don Regan, James Baker, Dan Rostenkowski, Charles Rangel, Del Latta SD 047 00:00-13:48
President Reagan's remarks on Signing the World Communications Year Proclamation. East Room (cut camera) None 0660-3T-S585-518 12/16/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan, George Bush SD 518 00:00-05:30
President Reagan's Remarks on Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to High Level Defense officials and staff in Blue Room. None 0660-3T-S707-742 03/23/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 742 00:00-04:54
President Reagan's remarks on the Budget, Cuts of reporters, then President Reagan's remarks on Appropriation Bills. Press Room None 0660-3T-S568-479a 11/30/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 479 00:00-03:40
President Reagan's remarks on the Nomination of James Burnley as Secretary of Transportation and Mimi Dawson as Assistant Transportation Secretary. Rose Garden None 06270-8T-W014-013 10/08/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, James Burnley, Mimi Dawson SD 013 00:00-06:53
President Reagan's Remarks on the Observance of National Philanthropy Day. Room 450 OEOB None 06270-7T-W052-119 11/14/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 119 00:00-10:12
President Reagan's Remarks on Unemployment and the Economy. Press Room (empty podium in beginning) None 06270-7T-W289-555 08/07/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Marlin Fitzwater SD 555 00:00-04:27
President Reagan's remarks prior to awarding National Medals of Science. East Room. None 0660-3T-S810-897a 05/24/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 897 00:00-03:15
President Reagan's Remarks Question, Answer Session on The Long Commission Report on Lebanon. Press Room None 06270-4T-W115-D13 12/27/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD D13 00:00-10:09
President Reagan's Remarks then greets Crew of Komosomlets Kirgizzi and presents Commendations to United States Coast Guard. Rose Garden None 06270-7T-W149-266 03/17/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Elizabeth Dole SD 266 00:00-19:06
President Reagan's Remarks then Signs Steel Industry Compliance Extension Act (HR3520). Rose Garden None 0360-1M-S344-41Bl 07/17/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan, Robert Byrd, Henry Waxman, Orrin Hatch SD 41B 35:09-41:23
President Reagan's Remarks to 1987 Elementary School Constitution Essay Contest Winners. Rose Garden None 06270-7T-W223-447 06/01/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, William Bennett SD 447 00:00-11:10
President Reagan's Remarks to Administration Supporters at a Briefing on Arms Control, Central America and Supreme Court. Room 450 OEOB None 06270-8T-W079-126 11/23/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 126 00:00-14:41
President Reagan's remarks to America's Cup participants from Australia and US. Rose Garden None 0660-3T-S943-B38b 09/28/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD B38 01:40-05:20
President Reagan's Remarks to American Association of Editorial Cartoonists with Question and Answer Session about Iran-Contra with Press. Rose Garden None 06270-7T-W191-364 05/07/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Etta Hulme SD 364 00:00-15:44
President Reagan's Remarks to American Farm Bureau Federation. Roosevelt Room None 1001-8T-W326-649a 07/13/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 649 00:00-08:54
President Reagan's Remarks to American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation. Rose Garden None 06270-6T-W318-608 07/18/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Mari Maseng, Corky Bradshaw, Cherie Harder SD 608 00:00-13:12
President Reagan's Remarks to American Legislative Council. Room 450 OEOB None 06270-7T-W182-343 05/01/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Gary Bauer SD 343 00:00-13:16
President Reagan's Remarks to American Legislative Exchange Council. Room 450 OEOB. None 06270-8T-W235-447 04/22/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan, Don Hodel, Clayton Yeutter, Thomas Turnage, Howard Baker, Don Totten, Owen Johnson SD 447 00:00-15:55
President Reagan's remarks to Annual Conference of the National Association of Counties. Washington Hilton. None 06270-5T-W149-309 03/04/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 309 00:00-24:44
President Reagan's Remarks to Annual Convention of Concerned Women for America. Crystal Marriott Hotel None 06270-7T-W323-629 09/25/1987 Arlington, Virginia President Reagan SD 629 00:00-25:21
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