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Showing 6026 - 6050 of 12307 items
Title Sort descending Access Restrictions Control Number Date Geographic Reference Personal Reference Sound Type Tape Number Time Counter Reading
President Reagan's remarks at Reception for National Leadership Conference of Teenage Republicans. Rose Garden None 0360-1M-S323-41Bj 06/23/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan No 41B 27:20-30:40
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for Presidents Dinner. East Room None 06270-7T-W181-341 04/29/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Nancy Reagan SD 341 00:00-08:11
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for Republican Congressional Leadership. East Room None 06270-7T-W231-459 06/16/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 459 00:00-17:00
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for Republican Congressional Leadership. East Room None 06270-6T-W221-407 04/17/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 407 00:00-19:00
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for Republican Eagles. East Room None 06270-7T-W333-645 09/30/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Nancy Reagan SD 645 00:00-11:11
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for Republican Elected Women Officials. East Room (Good Footage of Maureen and The President) None 06270-7T-W207-389 05/20/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Maureen Reagan SD 389 00:00-11:36
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for Responsible Government for America Foundation. East Room None 06270-6T-W238-467 05/13/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 467 00:00-10:34
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for Senator Frank Murkowski. Sheraton Grand Hotel None 06270-6T-W178-330b 03/06/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Frank Murkowski SD 330 02:30-14:20
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for State, National Officers of The Future Farmers of America. Rose Garden None 06270-4T-W391-I03a 07/24/1984 Washington, DC President Reagan SD I03 00:00-09:47
President Reagan's remarks at Reception for the Republican Congressional Leadership Council. South Lawn None 1001-8T-W309-626 06/30/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 626 00:00-19:29
President Reagan's Remarks at Reception for Vote America. East Room None 06270-7T-W208-390 05/21/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 390 00:00-12:11
President Reagan's remarks at reception with Contra Aid and Contra Leaders at The Podium. East Room None 06270-6T-W198-362 03/21/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Arturo Cruz, Alfonso Robelo, Adolfo Calero SD 362 00:00-09:35
President Reagan's Remarks at Regional Press Luncheon. Question and Answer Session. State Dining Room None 1001-8T-W284-582 06/08/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 582 00:00-30:31
President Reagan's Remarks at Republican Governor's Association Dinner. Vista Ballroom Vista International Hotel None 06270-7T-W019-020 10/07/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, John Sununu SD 020 00:00-16:09
President Reagan's Remarks at Sale of Conrail Briefing. Room 450 OEOB None 06270-6T-W116-230 01/23/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Elizabeth Dole SD 230 00:00-07:28
President Reagan's Remarks at Senatorial Trust Reception. East Room None 06270-7T-W259-501 07/09/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Rudy Boschwitz, Karna Small SD 501 00:00-15:25
President Reagan's Remarks at Signing Ceremony for 27th Law Day Proclamation. Rose Garden None 06270-4T-W252-F37a 04/09/1984 Washington, DC President Reagan, Fred Fielding, Warren Burger, William French Smith, Strom Thurmond, Richard Thornburgh, Ed Meese SD F37 00:00-03:45
President Reagan's Remarks at Signing Ceremony for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week. Room 450 OEOB None 06270-7T-W188-358 05/04/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Mari Maseng, Spark Matsunaga SD 358 00:00-05:13
President Reagan's Remarks at Signing Ceremony for Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. Roosevelt Room None 1001-8T-W332-667a 07/25/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan, James Baker, Clayton Yeutter SD 667 00:00-06:00
President Reagan's Remarks at Signing Ceremony for Hispanic Heritage Week Proclamation. Proclamation 5701 and Presidential Appointment of Grace Hughes as Director of Community Relations at The Department of Justice. Rose Garden None 06270-7T-W306-592 09/11/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Grace Hughes, Katherine Ortega, George Bush, Rebecca Range SD 592 00:00-10:04
President Reagan's Remarks at Signing Ceremony for HR 1085 New GI Bill Continuation Act. Rose Garden None 06270-7T-W222-446 06/01/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott, Alan Simpson, Spark Matsunaga, John Rockefeller, Robert Stafford, Beverly Byron, G. V. Montgomery, Thomas Turnage SD 446 00:00-04:30
President Reagan's remarks at Signing Ceremony for Immigration Reform and Control Act. S 1200 (Simpson–Mazzoli Act, IRCA) Roosevelt Room None 06270-7T-W040-108 11/06/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Dan Lungren, Alan Simpson, Strom Thurmond, George Bush, Don Regan, Ed Meese, Romano Mazzoli SD 108 00:00-05:15
President Reagan's Remarks at Signing Ceremony for National Tourism Week Proclamation Then He Departs. East Room None 06270-4T-W159-D80b 02/01/1984 Washington, DC President Reagan SD D80 01:21-07:17
President Reagan's Remarks at Signing Ceremony to Increase Federal Debt Ceiling, HJ Resolution 324. Rose Garden None 06270-7T-W329-640 09/29/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Bob Michel, Bob Packwood, Robert Dole, Warren Rudman, Richard Cheney, Phil Gramm, Ernest Hollings, Jim Miller SD 640 00:00-08:53
President Reagan's Remarks at Signing Proclamation Commemorating 50th Anniversary of The Duck Stamp. Rose Garden None 06270-4T-W362-H56 07/03/1984 Washington, DC President Reagan, William Clark, Kip Koss SD H56 00:00-07:15
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