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Showing 35501-35510 of 184967 records
C16217 (01)
C16217 (01) 07/25/1983 … C16217 (01) … Meeting to discuss the recent trip to the Soviet Union by Richard Cheney and Tom Foley … Washington, DC … shaking hands … Oval Office … President Reagan, Tom Foley, Richard Cheney, Jack Matlock … …
C16217 (02)
C16217 (02) 07/25/1983 … C16217 (02) … Meeting to discuss the recent trip to the Soviet Union by Richard Cheney and Tom Foley … Washington, DC … sitting, talking … Oval Office … President Reagan, George Bush, George Shultz, Thomas Foley, Richard Cheney, James Baker, William Clark, Ken Duberstein, Jack Matlock … …
C16218 (01)
C16218 (01) 07/25/1983 … C16218 (01) … Photo opportunity with Chief Frederick Walzel, newly promoted Chief of the United States Secret Service USSS Uniform Division and members of his family … Washington, DC … shaking hands, United States Secret Service … Oval Office … President Reagan, Frederick Walzel, Rena Walzel, Joseph Walzel, Teresa Walzel, Mary Walzel, Franz Walzel, Aliene Walzel, Father …
C16219 (01)
C16219 (01) 07/25/1983 … C16219 (01) … Walking to Pre-News Conference Briefing … Washington, DC … walking … Colonnade … President Reagan, James Baker, William Clark … Souza …
C16219 (02)
C16219 (02) 07/25/1983 … C16219 (02) … Unidentified person … Washington, DC … unidentified person … Colonnade … Souza …
C16219 (03)
C16219 (03) 07/25/1983 … C16219 (03) … Walking to Pre-News Conference Briefing … Washington, DC … walking … Colonnade … President Reagan, James Baker, Ed Meese, William Clark … Souza …
C16220 (01)
C16220 (01) 07/25/1983 … C16220 (01) … Walking to Pre-News Conference Briefing … Washington, DC … walking … Colonnade … President Reagan, James Baker, Ed Meese, William Clark … Souza …
C16220 (02)
C16220 (02) 07/25/1983 … C16220 (02) … Pre-News Conference Briefing with Senior Staff … Washington, DC … speaking at the podium … White House Theater … President Reagan, George Bush, James Baker, Ed Meese, Michael Deaver, David Stockman, William Clark, Richard Darman, Craig Fuller, James Jenkins, David Gergen, Larry Speakes, Karna Small, (Not in all Frames) … …
C16221 (01)
C16221 (01) 07/26/1983 … C16221 (01) … Meeting with Valery Giscard d'Estaing, former President of France … Washington, DC … standing, talking … Cabinet Room … George Shultz, Valery Giscard d'Estaing … Fitz-Patrick …
C16221 (02)
C16221 (02) 07/26/1983 … C16221 (02) … Meeting with Valery Giscard d'Estaing, former President of France … Washington, DC … shaking hands, sitting, talking … Oval Office … President Reagan, Valery Giscard d'Estaing … …