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Showing 35121-35130 of 184967 records
C16043 (01)
C16043 (01) 07/14/1983 … C16043 (01) … Taping session for INROADS National Student Training Institute; American Forces Network; YWCA; National Grocer's Association; National Security Telecommunications Advisory Commission … Washington, DC … sitting(close shot) … Map Room … President Reagan … …
C16044 (01)
C16044 (01) 07/15/1983 … C16044 (01) … Meeting to discuss the passage of the Caribbean Basin Initiative in the House and other issues … Washington, DC … sitting, talking … Oval Office … President Reagan, Jim Wright, James Baker, (Not in all Frames) … …
C16044 (02)
C16044 (02) 07/15/1983 … C16044 (02) … Meeting to discuss nominations to the Civil Rights Commission with Paul Laxalt, Orrin Hatch, and Strom Thurmond … Washington, DC … shaking hands, sitting, talking … Oval Office … President Reagan, Paul Laxalt, Orrin Hatch, Strom Thurmond, Ed Meese, Ken Duberstein, James Baker, (Not in all Frames) … …
C16045 (01)
C16045 (01) 07/15/1983 … C16045 (01) … Meeting to discuss nominations to the Civil Rights Commission with Paul Laxalt, Orrin Hatch, and Strom Thurmond … Washington, DC … sitting, talking … Oval Office … President Reagan, Paul Laxalt, Orrin Hatch, Strom Thurmond, Ed Meese, Ken Duberstein, James Baker … …
C16046 (01)
C16046 (01) 07/15/1983 … C16046 (01) … Meeting with George Shultz … Washington, DC … sitting, talking … Oval Office … President Reagan, George Shultz … Evans …
C16047 (01)
C16047 (01) 07/15/1983 … C16047 (01) … Hosting a luncheon meeting to discuss the international economic system with a group of businessmen, bankers, and academicians … Washington, DC … shaking hands … Cabinet Room … President Reagan, Robert Baldwin, Richard Cooper, Peter Kennan, Anne Kruger, John McGillicuddy, Ron McKinnon, Peter Peterson, Lewis Preston, Irving Shapiro, Roger Smith, Ezra Solomon, …
C16048 (01)
C16048 (01) 07/15/1983 … C16048 (01) … Hosting a luncheon meeting to discuss the international economic system with a group of businessmen, bankers, and academicians … Washington, DC … standing, sitting, talking … Cabinet Room … President Reagan, Robert Baldwin, Richard Cooper, Peter Kennan, Anne Kruger, John McGillicuddy, Ron McKinnon, Peter Peterson, Lewis Preston, Irving Shapiro, Roger Smith, …
C16049 (01)
C16049 (01) 07/15/1983 … C16049 (01) … Departure on helicopter Marine One for trip to Camp David … Washington, DC … waving, helicopter Marine One, carrying briefcase … South Lawn … President Reagan, Nancy Reagan … …
C16049 (02)
C16049 (02) 07/15/1983 … C16049 (02) … Donna Blume with children during Departure for helicopter Marine One … Washington, DC … children … South Lawn … Donna Blume … Souza …
C16050 (01)
C16050 (01) 07/15/1983 … C16050 (01) … Photo opportunity with unidentified staff members before departure on helicopter Marine One for trip to Camp David … Washington, DC … shaking hands, talking to unidentified people, children … Diplomatic Reception Room … President Reagan, Nancy Reagan … …