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Showing 31111-31120 of 184967 records
C14022 (04)
C14022 (04) 04/15/1983 … C14022 (04) … Making departure statements during visit of Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Helmut Kohl … Washington, DC … press, Chancellor Kohl speaking at the podium … East Room … President Reagan, Helmut Kohl, William Clark … …
C14022 (05)
C14022 (05) 04/15/1983 … C14022 (05) … Making departure statements during visit of Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Helmut Kohl … Washington, DC … walking … Diplomatic Reception Room … President Reagan, Helmut Kohl … …
C14022 (06)
C14022 (06) 04/15/1983 … C14022 (06) … Meeting with Senior Staff during visit of Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Helmut Kohl … Washington, DC … standing, talking … Oval Office … President Reagan, William Clark, Caspar Weinberger, James Baker, Dave Fischer, George Bush, Robert McFarlane, (Not in all Frames) … …
C14022 (07)
C14022 (07) 04/15/1983 … C14022 (07) … Meeting with Senior Staff during visit of Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Helmut Kohl … Washington, DC … standing … White House … Dave Fischer, Peter Metzger, Robert DeProspero, Mark Weinberg, (Not in all Frames) … …
C14023 (01)
C14023 (01) 04/15/1983 … C14023 (01) … Senior Staff before departure for Camp David … Washington, DC … walking, military aide with "the football" … Ground Floor Corridor … Mark Weinberg, Kathy Osborne, Peter Metzger, (Not in all Frames) … …
C14023 (02)
C14023 (02) 04/15/1983 … C14023 (02) … Meeting with unidentified family before Departure for Camp David … Washington, DC … talking to unidentified people … Diplomatic Reception Room … President Reagan, Nancy Reagan … …
C14024 (01)
C14024 (01) 04/15/1983 … C14024 (01) … Departure on helicopter Marine One for trip to Camp David … Washington, DC … walking, carrying a briefcase, helicopter Marine One taking off … South Lawn … President Reagan, Nancy Reagan … …
C14027 (01)
C14027 (01) 04/18/1983 … C14027 (01) … Participating in a meeting to discuss the House and Senate Budget Resolutions and the overall budget situation with administration officials … Washington, DC … sitting, talking … Cabinet Room … President Reagan, George Bush, Ed Meese, James Baker, William Clark, Richard Darman, Ken Duberstein, Craig Fuller, David Gergen, Edwin Harper, Larry Speakes … …
C14027 (02)
C14027 (02) 04/18/1983 … C14027 (02) … Ceremony in observance of National Crime Victims Week … Washington, DC … speaking at the podium, audience … Rose Garden … President Reagan, George Bush, William French Smith … …
C14027 (03)
C14027 (03) 04/18/1983 … C14027 (03) … Cabinet Meeting … Washington, DC … sitting, talking … Cabinet Room … President Reagan, Weinberger, Stockman, Meese, Smith, Baker, Rollins, Duberstein … Kightlinger …