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Showing 11326 - 11350 of 12307 items
Title Sort descending Access Restrictions Control Number Date Geographic Reference Personal Reference Sound Type Tape Number Time Counter Reading
Trip to West Germany. Cuts outside Federal Chancellery. None 06270-5T-W184-428d 05/02/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan SD 428 04:02-04:40
Trip to West Germany. Departure Ceremony. Villa Hammerschmidt. None 06270-5T-W184-445b 05/06/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan SD 445 02:25-10:43
Trip to West Germany. Departure of Helicopter Marine One. None 06270-5T-W184-437b 05/05/1985 Belsen, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan SD 437 08:18-09:29
Trip to West Germany. Departure on Air Force One for Spain. Ramstein AFB. None 06270-5T-W184-446 05/06/1985 Ramstein AFB, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore Kohl SD 446 00:00-03:22
Trip to West Germany. Greeting German Students. Hambach Castle. None 06270-5T-W184-445e 05/06/1985 Hambach, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan SD 445 20:15-24:13
Trip to West Germany. Head of state walking through garden to Federal Chancellery. None 06270-5T-W184-431b 05/03/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Margaret Thatcher SD 431 08:32-11:15
Trip to West Germany. Photo Op with heads of state. Federal Chancellery. None 06270-5T-W184-431a 05/03/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Brian Mulroney, Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Kohl, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Francois Mitterrand, Bettino Craxi SD 431 00:00-08:32
Trip to West Germany. President and Nancy Reagan Arrive at Schloss Bellevue with Question and Answer with Press Regarding English Elections None 06270-7T-W201-436d 06/12/1987 Berlin, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan SD 436 08:16-09:45
Trip to West Germany. President and Nancy Reagan Arrive via Air Force One with Chancellor Helmut and Hannelore Kohl. Köln-Bonn Airport None 06270-7T-W201-443a 06/12/1987 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore Kohl, Ambassador Richard Burt, Gahl Burt SD 443 00:00-01:38
Trip to West Germany. President and Nancy Reagan Depart from Tempelhof Airport None 06270-7T-W201-437b 06/12/1987 Berlin, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore Kohl SD 437 15:17-18:17
Trip to West Germany. President and Nancy Reagan depart via Air Force One. Köln-Bonn Airport None 06270-7T-W201-443d 06/12/1987 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore Kohl SD 443 12:10-13:43
Trip to West Germany. President and Nancy Reagan Meet with 3 Berlin Airlift Pilots at the Tempelhof Airport Hangar and with Berlin Wall Patrol. None 06270-7T-W201-435e 06/12/1987 Berlin, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan SD 435 24:25-31:17
Trip to West Germany. President and Nancy Reagan Participate in Arrival Ceremony. Köln-Bonn Airport None 06270-7T-W201-443b 06/12/1987 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore Kohl SD 443 01:38-07:08
Trip to West Germany. President and Nancy Reagan view Berlin Wall from Reichstag east balcony and depart by Limousine. None 06270-7T-W201-435c 06/12/1987 Berlin, West Germany President Reagan, Eberhard Diepgen, Nancy Reagan, Hannelore Kohl, Helmut Kohl SD 435 11:23-14:57
Trip to West Germany. President and Nancy Reagan view exhibits of Marshall Plan at Reichstag. None 06270-7T-W201-435b 06/12/1987 Berlin, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Eberhard Diepgen, Richard von Weizsacker, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore Kohl SD 435 06:30-11:23
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan and Chancellor Helmut Kohl at Photo op. Question and Answer Session with Press, Nancy Reagan and Hannelore Kohl at Photo op with Baby and Gahl Burt. Köln-Bonn Airport None 06270-7T-W201-442b 06/12/1987 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore Kohl, Gahl Burt SD 442 02:08-07:45
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan and Chancellor Kohl participate in wreath laying ceremony. Kolmeshohe cemetery. None 06270-5T-W184-439a 05/05/1985 Bitburg, West Germany President Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Nancy Reagan, Hannelore Kohl, Johanner Steinhoff, Matthew Ridgeway SD 439 00:00-08:18
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan and Nancy Reagan accompanied by President Richard Von Weizsacker and Marianne Von Weizsacker. Villa Hammerschmidt. None 06270-5T-W184-428b 05/02/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Richard Von Weizsacker, Marianne Von Weizsacker SD 428 01:48-03:40
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan arrival. Schloss Chambourg. None 06270-5T-W184-430c 05/03/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Brian Mulroney, Francois Mitterrand, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Helmut Kohl SD 430 15:35-18:25
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan Arrives at The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Wall None 06270-7T-W201-438 06/12/1987 Berlin, West Germany President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore Kohl SD 438 00:00-02:26
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan Departs Schloss Bellevue None 06270-7T-W201-436e 06/12/1987 Berlin, West Germany President Reagan SD 436 09:45-11:34
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan Photo Op with Chancellor Kohl. Foyer of Federal Chancellery. None 06270-5T-W184-428c 05/02/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Helmut Kohl SD 428 03:40-04:02
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan Photo Op with President Richard Von Weizsacker. Villa Hammerschmidt. None 06270-5T-W184-433b 05/04/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Richard Von Weizsacker, Nancy Reagan, Marianne Von Weizsacker, Helmut Kohl, Hannelore, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Tsutako Nakasone, Francois Mitterrand, Margaret Thatcher, Brian Mulroney, Mila Mulroney SD 433 06:27-10:43
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan proceeding through foyer to NATO room with heads of state. None 06270-5T-W184-428g 05/03/1985 Bonn, West Germany President Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Kohl SD 428 10:37-12:55
Trip to West Germany. President Reagan remarks before departure on Helicopter Marine One at night to Andrews AFB. South Lawn. None 06270-5T-W229-470 04/30/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, George Bush, Barbara Bush SD 470 00:00-09:16
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