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Showing 5776 - 5800 of 12307 items
Title Sort descending Access Restrictions Control Number Date Geographic Reference Personal Reference Sound Type Tape Number Time Counter Reading
President Reagan's Farewell meeting with Clarence Thomas of EEOC. Oval Office None 06270-6T-W294-561c 06/23/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Clarence Thomas SD 561 11:00-16:15
President Reagan's First Press Conference, Room 450, OEOB None 0360-1M-S159-14a 01/29/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 14 00:00-28:11
President Reagan's Foreign Policy Address to Members of The World Affairs Council and Foreign Policy Association Regarding South Africa. East Room None 06270-6T-W327-620 07/22/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, George Bush, George Shultz SD 620 00:00-25:00
President Reagan's gives Press Conference makes opening statement and question and answer period. East Room None 0660-2T-S714-344 09/28/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 344 00:00-31:42
President Reagan's gives speech to National Conference of State Legislatures. (Tape #1) East Room None 0660-3T-S686-713 03/11/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 713 00:00-20:35
President Reagan's Inaugural Ceremony at U.S. Capitol including excerpts of parade None 0360-1M-0147-1A 01/20/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, George Bush, Barbara Bush, Mark Hatfield, Warren Burger, Juanita Booker, Tip O'Neill, Jimmy Carter, Rosalynn Carter, Donn Moomaw SD 1A 00:00-54:40
President Reagan's Interview by Bill Close of KTSP-TV of Phoenix for Special on Barry Goldwater. Roosevelt Room None 06270-4T-W238-F15a 03/28/1984 Washington, DC President Reagan, Karna Small, Bill Close SD F15 00:00-06:45
President Reagan's interview by USA Today Ann Devroy on President's Health. Oval Office None 06270-4T-W232-F16 03/29/1984 Washington, DC President Reagan, Ann Devroy SD F16 00:00-16:45
President Reagan's Interview with Baltimore Sun. (incomplete) Oval Office None 06270-6T-W186-344 03/12/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Robert Timberg, Charles Corddry, Ernest Furguson, Walter Broening SD 344 00:00-30:58
President Reagan's Interview with CNN's Economic Reporter Lou Dobbs. Oval Office (Proprietary Footage) None 1001-8T-W297-618 06/18/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan, Lou Dobbs SD 618 00:00-14:38
President Reagan's Interview with Conservative Columnists. Oval Office None 06270-8T-W098-177 12/09/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Tony Dolan, Philip Geyelin, Georgie Ann Geyer, R. Emmet Tyrrell, Joseph Wattenberg SD 177 00:00-28:57
President Reagan's Interview with Conservative Digest. Oval Office None 06270-4T-W394-I16 07/27/1984 Washington, DC President Reagan, Lee Edwards SD I16 00:00-18:42
President Reagan's Interview with Domestic Correspondents. Oval Office. (incomplete) None 0660-3T-S818-901 05/27/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 901 00:00-31:20
President Reagan's interview with Dr. Hubert Burda of Bunte magazine. Oval Office. None 0660-3T-S763-822 04/25/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan, Hubert Burda, Helene Von Damm SD 822 00:00-09:27
President Reagan's interview with European Journalists. Oval Office None 06270-6T-W103-201 01/10/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Norm Wagy, Andy Cassells, Jack Hurley, John Dimsdale SD 201 00:00-25:05
President Reagan's Interview with Five Bureau Chiefs, Tape #2. Oval Office None 06270-8T-W057-087 11/06/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 087 00:00-02:09
President Reagan's Interview with Five Bureau Chiefs. Tape #1. Questions Include New Supreme Court Nominee Ginsburg and Upcoming Summit) Oval Office None 06270-8T-W057-086 11/06/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 086 00:00-31:20
President Reagan's Interview with Foreign Broadcasters. Oval Office None 06270-8T-W038-053 10/26/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 053 00:00-21:24
President Reagan's Interview with Foreign Journalists from economic summit countries. Oval Office. (incomplete) None 06270-5T-W217-414 04/25/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Horst-Alexander Siebert, Mario Calvo-Platero, Toshikaka Yoshida, Nihon Keizai Shi,bun, Fred Harrison, Michel Faure, Richard Beeston SD 414 00:00-32:00
President Reagan's Interview with Foreign Print Journalists from Japan, France, Canada, West Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Los Angeles Times, Tape #1. Oval Office None 1001-8T-W294-598 06/15/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan, Robert Hepburn, Renzo Gianfanelli, Francois Sergent, Ian Brodie, Carlos Widmann, Yoshio Murakami, James Gerstenzang SD 598 00:00-31:30
President Reagan's Interview with Foreign Print Journalists from Japan, France, Canada, West Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Los Angeles Times, Tape #2. Oval Office None 1001-8T-W295-599 06/15/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan, Robert Hepburn, Renzo Gianfanelli, Francois Sergent, Ian Brodie, Carlos Widmann, Yoshio Murakami, James Gerstenzang SD 599 00:00-06:19
President Reagan's Interview with Foreign Print Journalists prior to Venice Summit. Oval Office None 06270-7T-W211-400 05/26/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 400 00:00-25:05
President Reagan's Interview with Foreign TV Journalists Prior to the Venice Economic Summit. Oval Office (Begins with Exterior Shots of The White House) None 06270-7T-W213-403 05/27/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Tim Ewart, Jacques Abouchar, Naotake Mochida, Fritz Pleitgen, Craig Oliver SD 403 00:00-30:21
President Reagan's Interview with Fred Barnes. (Talks about movie "Sergeant Murphy" at end) Oval Office None 06270-8T-W007-001 10/02/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Fred Barnes, Marlin Fitzwater SD 001 00:00-31:22
President Reagan's interview with Hearst Editors Tape #1. Cabinet Room None 06270-5T-W036-086 10/30/1984 Washington, DC President Reagan, William Randolph Hearst, Jr., William Randolph Hearst III SD 086 00:00-31:00
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