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Showing 5126 - 5150 of 12307 items
Title Sort descending Access Restrictions Control Number Date Geographic Reference Personal Reference Sound Type Tape Number Time Counter Reading
President Reagan holds a Press Briefing, answers questions from press. Press Room None 0660-3T-S617-598 01/20/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan, Larry Speakes SD 598 00:00-16:00
President Reagan holds an impromptu Press Briefing in the Press Room. None 0660-3T-S687-712 03/11/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 712 00:00-15:50
President Reagan in a cabinet meeting in the cabinet Room. None 0660-3T-S615-589c 01/18/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan, George Bush, James Watt, Caspar Weinberger, George Shultz, Richard Schweiker, Malcolm Baldrige, Terrel Bell, James Baker, Ed Meese, David Stockman SD 589 08:11-14:24
President Reagan in an Economics Briefing with Senior staff in Oval Office. None 06270-6T-W048-084c 11/05/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, George Bush, Donald Regan, Al Kingon, James Baker, Beryl Sprinkel, Jack Svahn, Jim Miller, Craig Fuller SD 084 05:52-09:46
President Reagan in Bipartisan Congressional Meeting in cabinet room. None 0660-3T-S564-506a 11/22/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan, Tip O'Neill, Bob Michel, Howard Baker SD 506 00:00-02:15
President Reagan in Budget Meeting. Oval Office None 0660-2T-S583-Z22a 05/04/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan, Don Regan SD Z22 00:00-02:19
President Reagan in Business Committee Meeting, Staff. Cabinet Room (No Audio) None 0360-1M-S327-36Af 07/02/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan, Richard Allen, Alexander Haig, Don Regan No 36A 02:38-03:48
President Reagan in Cabinet Council Meeting on Food and Agriculture. Cabinet Room None 0660-2T-S518-Z06e 02/23/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan, Ed Meese, Alexander Haig, John Block, William Clark, Drew Lewis, Raymond Donovan SD Z06 11:38-14:28
President Reagan in his first Cabinet Meeting. Cabinet Room None 0360-1M-S144-13Ej 01/21/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan, Caspar Weinberger, James Watt, Alexander Haig No 13E 23:23-27:23
President Reagan in his second Cabinet Meeting. Cabinet Room None 0360-1M-S144-13El 01/22/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan, James Watt, Caspar Weinberger, Ken Khachigian, Martin Anderson No 13E 28:53-30:48
President Reagan in Meeting for Economic Summit Preparation. Cabinet Room None 0660-3T-S772-835a 05/02/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan, Ed Meese, William Clark, George Bush SD 835 00:00-09:55
President Reagan in Meeting with National Conference of State Legislators. East Room (No Audio) None 0360-1M-S230-34Bh 03/20/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan No 34B 00:00-01:15
President Reagan in National Security Council Meeting. Cabinet Room (Reagan and Clark speak) None 0660-2T-S514-Z38e 02/19/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan, George Bush, William Clark, Caspar Weinberger, William Casey, David Jones SD Z38 09:07-12:37
President Reagan in receiving line at reception for U.S. Mayors. Blue room. None 0660-3T-S625-610a 01/28/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 610 00:00-00:50
President Reagan in the oval office for the first time talking to press (No Audio) None 0360-1M-0147-8Ab 01/20/1981 Washington, DC President Reagan, James Baker, Ed Meese No 8A 10:58-12:52
President Reagan interview by reporters from European Magazines "Paris Match," Times of London," "Die Welt," and Il Tiempo." Oval Office None 0660-2T-S591-Z26 05/21/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan, Marc Ullman, Nicholas Ashford, Thomas Kielinger, Marino De Medici SD Z26 00:00-31:50
President Reagan Interview with "Newsweek" Magazine. Oval Office None 0660-3T-S927-B08 09/16/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan SD B08 00:00-18:42
President Reagan interview with Ann Devroy and Johanna Neuman of USA Today. Oval Office. None 06270-5T-W089-220 01/17/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Ann Devroy, Johanna Neuman SD 220 00:00-26:58
President Reagan interview with Business Week Magazine. Oval Office. None 06270-5T-W133-288 02/22/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 288 00:00-25:21
President Reagan Interview with Daily Pantograph of Bloomington, Illinois. Oval Office None 0660-2T-S588-Z25 05/06/1982 Washington, DC President Reagan SD Z25 00:00-26:00
President Reagan Interview with European Journalists on Soviet-United States Relations. Oval Office None 06270-8T-W037-051 10/23/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Leo Wieland, Stwewart Fleming, Rodolfo Brancoli, Jan Werts, Jan Krauze SD 051 00:00-27:59
President Reagan Interview with Fortune Magazine. Tape #1. Oval Office None 06270-6T-W349-657 08/08/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Marshall Loeb, Ann Reilly Dowd, Lee Smith, Charles Hayward SD 657 00:00-30:17
President Reagan Interview with Fortune Magazine. Tape #2. Oval Office None 06270-6T-W349-658 08/08/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Marshall Loeb, Ann Reilly Dowd, Lee Smith, Charles Hayward SD 658 00:00-10:45
President Reagan interview with Helen Thomas of UPI. Oval Office. None 06270-5T-W097-241 01/23/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Helen Thomas, Larry Speakes SD 241 00:00-25:26
President Reagan interview with Henry Brandon of the "London Times." Oval Office None 0660-3T-S695-726 03/18/1983 Washington, DC President Reagan, Henry Brandon SD 726 00:00-30:53
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