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Showing 51-60 of 215753 records

Physician's Explanation of Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's Diagnosis

STATEMENT BY: Dr. Oliver H. Beahrs, Mayo Clinic Dr. Leslie Weiner, University of Southern California Dr. James R. Blake, St. John’s Hospital General John Hutton, M.D., Uniformed Services University of...

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The Reagan Presidency

The Presidency Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States on November 4, 1980 (11/04/1980). His triumph capped the rise of the new right/conservative wing of the Republican Party and ush...

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Entertainers at the White House

The Beach Boys perform on the White House South Lawn All performed at the White House unless otherwise noted. 1981 02/24/1981 Excerpts from a "Chorus Line," Governors Dinner 02/26/1981 Dance Theatre o...

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Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom 1981-1989

President and Mrs. Reagan present the Medal of Freedom to Mother Teresa in 1985. Recipients are listed by date, then by last name. 1981 Name Date Blake, James H. (Eubie) October 9, 1981 (10/09/1981) G...

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Reagan Administration Independent Counsels

Reagan Administration OFFICIAL Dates Independent Counsel Raymond J. Donovan 1981-1982, 1985-1987 Leon Silverman Edwin Meese III 1984 Jacob A. Stein Theodore B. Olson 1986-1988 James C. McKay and Alexi...

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Council of Economic Advisers Staff List

President Reagan Meeting with the Economic Policy Advisory Board in 1981 President Reagan with Chairman Murray Weidenbaum (to the right of Reagan) meeting with the Economic Policy Advisory Board in 19...

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Presidential Pets

Lucky and Rex Two dogs, Lucky and Rex, lived at the White House during Ronald Reagan’s Presidency. Lucky hitches a ride on President Reagan's lap for a weekend at Camp David. Lucky Female Breed: Bouvi...

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Permanent Exhibits

In eighteen galleries, museum visitors interact with hundreds of never before seen artifacts and engage in multiple interactive displays for a fully immersive experience on the life and times of Ameri...

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White House Offices

The President and senior staff watching the television monitor before a Press Conference in 1982. WHITE HOUSE OFFICES The following is a list of White House Offices and includes the office collections...

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Jelly Belly® Jelly Beans and Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan and His Jar of Jelly Beans President Reagan and his jar of Jelly Bellies. When Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California in 1966, he began eating "Goelitz Mini Jelly Beans" as part of...

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