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Showing 5971-5980 of 8995 records

Proclamation 5293 -- National Jerome Kern Day, 1985

January 23, 1985 (01/23/1985) By the President of the United States  of America A Proclamation Musical theater is an American art form that has been part of our lives for over a century. The songs are...

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Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on a Bill Prohibiting Discrimination by Educational Institutions Receiving Federal Financial Assistance

January 24, 1985 (01/24/1985) I have been advised that legislation has been introduced in the Senate to effectively overturn the Supreme Court's decision in the Grove City College case. Majority Leade...

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Announcement of the Beginning of the Soviet-United States Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations

January 26, 1985 (01/26/1985) The United States and the Soviet Union have agreed to begin negotiations on nuclear and space arms on March 12, 1985 (03/12/1985), in Geneva, Switzerland. The U.S. delega...

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Designation of Senator William S. Cohen of Maine as an Alternate United States Member of the Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission

January 28, 1985 (01/28/1985) The President today announced his intention to designate William S. Cohen, United States Senator from the State of Maine, to be an alternate member on the part of the Uni...

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Statement on the Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction Negotiation

January 31, 1985 (01/31/1985) Today in Vienna, members of NATO and the Warsaw Pact will resume their efforts to negotiate reductions of conventional forces in central Europe. These talks on mutual and...

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Executive Order 12504 -- Protection of Semiconductor Chip Products

January 31, 1985 (01/31/1985) By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984 (17 U.S.C...

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Proclamation 5297 -- Modification of Tariffs on Certain Sugars, Sirups, and Molasses

January 31, 1985 (01/31/1985) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation 1. Headnote 2 of Subpart A, Part 10, Schedule 1 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States (10 U.S.C. 12...

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Letter Accepting the Resignation of James A. Baker III as Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff

February 1, 1985 (02/01/1985) Dear Jim: It is with the deepest possible regret that I accept your resignation as Chief of Staff, effective February 3, 1985 (02/03/1985). I've read that there are no in...

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Proclamation 5495 -- National Child Safety Month, 1986

May 28, 1986 (05/28/1986) By the President of the United States  of America A Proclamation The future of our Nation is in the hands of our children. The effects of the loving support, the nurturing, a...

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Remarks on Greeting the National Spelling Bee Finalists

May 30, 1986 (05/30/1986) The President. It's a pleasure to have all of you here today. And before anything else, I'd like to say how proud I am of each of you for reaching the National Spelling Bee f...

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