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Showing 4911-4920 of 8919 records

Proclamation 5724 -- National Job Skills Week, 1987

October 8, 1987 (10/08/1987) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation America 's remarkable ability to create new jobs attests to the ingenuity and vitality of our people and to...

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Statement on Proposed Tax Increases

October 15, 1987 (10/15/1987) Billions in new taxes -- this is how the Democrats on the Senate Finance and the House Ways and Means Committees now propose to meet the 1988 Gramm-Rudman-Hollings defici...

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Memorandum on the Presidential Design Awards Program

October 16, 1987 (10/16/1987) Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies Excellence in design is integral to the Federal Government's responsible stewardship of public resources. Good design...

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Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Resignation of Ray A. Barnhart as Administrator of the  Federal Highway Administration

October 16, 1987 (10/16/1987) President Reagan today accepts with regret the resignation of R.A. Barnhart as Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration. Ray Barnhart has served the administra...

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Nomination of Two Members of the National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs

October 19, 1987 (10/19/1987) The President today announced his intention to nominate the following individuals to be members of the National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs for terms...

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Informal Exchange With Reporters

October 19, 1987 (10/19/1987) Stock Market Decline Q. Mr. President, are we headed for another great crash? Q. What about the stock market? Q. Are we headed for another great crash? Q. Stock market. T...

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Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India

October 20, 1987 (10/20/1987) The President. I am delighted to welcome once again Prime Minister Gandhi to the White House. The Prime Minister and I have had useful discussions on the status of U.S.-I...

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Radio Address to the Nation on the Economy and Soviet-United States Relations

October 24, 1987 (10/24/1987) My fellow Americans: The bears and the bulls were out on Wall Street this week with some of the sharpest drops and gains in stock market history. So, what did it all mean...

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Statement on Trade Sanctions Against Iran

October 26, 1987 (10/26/1987) I have directed the Secretaries of Treasury and State to take action to place an embargo on all U.S. imports from Iran . At the same time, we are instituting a ban on the...

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Appointment of Carolynn Reid-Wallace as a Member of the National Council on the Humanities

October 26, 1987 (10/26/1987) The President today announced his intention to appoint Carolynn Reid-Wallace to be a member of the National Council on the Humanities, National Foundation on the Arts and...

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