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Showing 2181-2190 of 7666 records

Proclamations, May 30, 1986 (05/30/1986)

Proclamation 5496 -- National Neighborhood Housing Services Week, 1986 May 30, 1986 (05/30/1986) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation America's neighborhoods are made up of ...

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Remarks at a White House Presentation Ceremony for the President's Volunteer Action Awards

June 2, 1986 (06/02/1986) It's an honor for Nancy and me to welcome you to the White House. And at this point, it's my job to say a few words about voluntarism. Now, imagine that -- [laughter] -- talk...

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Statement by Deputy Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs Djerejian on the Strategic Modernization Program

June 3, 1986 (06/03/1986) The President sent a message to Congress today that called upon the Congress to fully support his budget request for strategic modernization and the Strategic Defense Initiat...

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Presidential Determination No. 86 - 10 -- Trade With Romania, Hungary, and China

June 3, 1986 (06/03/1986) Memorandum for the Secretary of State Subject: Determination under subsection 402(d)(5) of the Trade Act of 1974 -- Continuation of Waiver Authority Pursuant to the authority...

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Statement on Senate Approval of the United States Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia

June 5, 1986 (06/05/1986) Today's vote in the Senate on the Saudi arms sale confirms America's commitment to a security relationship that has served both the United States and Saudi Arabia well over t...

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Remarks at a White House Briefing for Supporters of Tax Reform and United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance

June 6, 1986 (06/06/1986) I know that Secretaries Baldrige [Secretary of Commerce] and Baker [Secretary of the Treasury] have briefed you on trade and tax policies. And I'm grateful for this opportuni...

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Remarks to the Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies on United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance

June 9, 1986 (06/09/1986) Thank you very much, and good evening. It's an honor to speak to you today before the members and guests of the Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International S...

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Proclamation 5500 -- Youth Suicide Prevention Month, 1986

By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Our youth are this Nation's hope for the future. Young people have so much to offer society and so much to hope for that their early dea...

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Remarks at a White House Meeting With Representatives of People to People International

June 12, 1986 (06/12/1986) The President . So, it's a welcome to the White House and a special hello to your executive director, Julian Niemczyk. And it is certainly a pleasure for me as honorary chai...

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Proclamation 5501 -- Baltic Freedom Day, 1986

June 12, 1986 (06/12/1986) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation The United States was born in a War of Independence against an oppressive rule. We stood up for inalienable r...

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