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Showing 121-130 of 8901 records

Message to the Congress Reporting Budget Rescissions and Deferrals

April 27, 1981 (04/27/1981) To the Congress of the United States : In accordance with the Impoundment Control Act of 1974, I herewith report six revisions to previously transmitted rescission proposal...

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Proclamation 4843 -- Older Americans Month, 1981

April 29, 1981 (04/29/1981) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Older Americans, a resource of talent, knowledge and judgment, are essential to our effort for national rene...

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Remarks on the Program for Economic Recovery at a White House Breakfast for Democratic Members of the House of Representatives

June 23, 1981 (06/23/1981) I'm going to say a few words here first, and them we're going to have breakfast. And then we'll have a dialog instead of a monolog by me, and I'll try to make the monolog ve...

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Appointments & Nominations, June 23, 1981 (06/23/1981)

Appointment of Seven Members of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and Designation of the Chairman and Vice Chairman June 23, 1981 (06/23/1981) The President today announced the appointmen...

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Remarks on the Program for Economic Recovery at a White House Reception for Republican Members of the House of Representatives

June 23, 1981 (06/23/1981) The President . You know, I've just finished meeting a little while ago out there with the Teen Age Republicans, the TARS. And for some reason or other, I had it in mind tha...

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Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Egypt Agreement on Nuclear Energy

July 6, 1981 (07/06/1981) To the Congress of the United States: I am pleased to transmit to the Congress, in accordance with Section 123d of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2153(d...

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Remarks at a Meeting With Disabled Climbers Following Their Ascent of Mount Rainier

July 8, 1981 (07/08/1981) The President . I thank you very much. I'm afraid to ask -- I know the flag -- but I'm afraid to ask if jellybeans helped nourish you on the climb. [ Laughter ] [The group ha...

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Nominations, July 9, 1981 (07/09/1981)

Nomination of Charles A. Bowsher To Be Comptroller General of the United States July 9, 1981 (07/09/1981) The President today announced his intention to nominate Charles A. Bowsher to be Comptroller G...

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Statement on Signing a Bill To Approve a Constitution for the United States Virgin Islands

July 10, 1981 (07/10/1981) I take great pleasure in signing into law House Joint Resolution 238, an act to "approve a Constitution for the United States Virgin Islands." There have been many important...

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Executive Order 12313 -- Specification of Hostage Return Date Under Hostage Relief Act of 1980

July 13, 1981 (07/13/1981) By the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America by sections 101(2)(A) and 205(b)(1) of the Hostage Relief Act of 1980 (Public Law 96 - 449; 94 Sta...

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