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Showing 301-310 of 3209 records

Message to the Senate Transmitting the United Kingdom-United States Supplementary Extradition Treaty

July 17, 1985 (07/17/1985) To the Senate of the United States: With a view to receiving the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification, I transmit herewith the Supplementary Extradition Treaty b...

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Letter to Senate Majority Leader Dole Endorsing the Line-Item Veto Bill

July 18, 1985 (07/18/1985) Dear Bob: As the Senate considers S. 43, I wanted you to know and convey to your colleagues my strong support for this initiative. As you know, I asked the Congress to pass ...

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Proclamation 5357 -- Captive Nations Week, 1985

July 19, 1985 (07/19/1985) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation The unique and historic significance of our Nation has always derived from our role as a model of political f...

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Nomination of D. Lowell Jensen To Be an Associate Attorney General

May 4, 1983 (05/04/1983) The President today announced his intention to nominate D. Lowell Jensen to be Associate Attorney General, Department of Justice. He would succeed Rudolph Giuliani. Mr. Jensen...

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Remarks at a Fundraising Dinner Honoring Former Representative John M. Ashbrook in Ashland, Ohio

May 9, 1983 (05/09/1983) Thank you, Fred. Dr. Schultz, Jean Ashbrook, distinguished guests: We are here this evening to honor a man who, though he died at a tragically young age, garnered for himself ...

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Remarks on Presenting the Small Business Person of the Year Award

May 11, 1983 (05/11/1983) The President. Well, good morning, and welcome to the Rose Garden, although I think George has already assured you, you are very welcome here. I'm told that you have an actio...

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Appointment of Seven Members of the Presidential Commission on the Conduct of United States-Japan Relations, and Designation of Chairman

May 12, 1983 (05/12/1983) The President today announced his intention to appoint the following individuals to be members of the Presidential Commission on the Conduct of United States-Japan Relations:...

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Remarks at a Republican Fundraising Dinner for Congressional Campaign Committees

May 12, 1983 (05/12/1983) Thank you, Guy Vander Jagt. And thank all of you for doing what you were just doing long enough for me to swallow the lump in my throat. Nancy and I are honored to be here wi...

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Remarks at a White House Briefing for Chief Executive Officers of Trade Associations and Corporations on Deployment of the MX Missile

May 16, 1983 (05/16/1983) Thank you for coming today. I realize it's very rough to break away from the office on short notice, but the reason I've asked you to come is an important one -- kind of an a...

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Remarks at the Swearing-in Ceremony for Helene A. von Damm as United States Ambassador to Austria

May 16, 1983 (05/16/1983) The President. You know, I had a carefully prepared script which I discarded on the way over. I think this room kind of tells the story. And I decided that maybe the best thi...

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