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Showing 151-160 of 1253 records

Statement on Signing the Montreal Protocol on Ozone-Depleting Substances

April 5, 1988 (04/05/1988) I am pleased to sign the instrument of ratification for the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. The protocol marks an important milestone for the f...

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Proclamation 5790 -- Dennis Chavez Day, 1988

April 6, 1988 (04/06/1988) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation April 8, 1988 (04/08/1988) , is the Centennial Anniversary of the birth of New Mexico 's Dennis Chavez, the f...

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Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Panama

April 8, 1988 (04/08/1988) Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President: ) Pursuant to section 204(b) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. section 1703, and section 201 of the Nation...

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Radio Address to the Nation on Economic Growth and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

April 9, 1988 (04/09/1988) My fellow Americans: You've probably heard that some of our political opponents are very concerned about the state of our economy. And I have to tell you I don't blame them....

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Appointments January 8, 1988 (01/08/1988)

Appointment of Juanita Donaghey Duggan as Special Assistant to the President for Public Liaison January 8, 1988 (01/08/1988) The President today announced the appointment of Juanita Donaghey Duggan to...

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Radio Address to the Nation on the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement

January 9, 1988 (01/09/1988) My fellow Americans: If someone were to ask us as a nation who our best friends are, what would be the answer? It's difficult to imagine any better friends than our neighb...

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Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita of Japan

January 13, 1988 (01/13/1988) The President. It has been a great pleasure to welcome Prime Minister Takeshita on his first visit to Washington since taking office in November. He is the leader of one ...

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Statement on the Soviet-United States Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations

January 14, 1988 (01/14/1988) Today marks the opening in Geneva of round nine of the nuclear and space talks between the United States and the Soviet Union . Our objective in these talks remains uncha...

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Address to the Nation's Students on the Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day

January 15, 1988 (01/15/1988) Today we honor a man who dedicated his life to the pursuit of a dream -- a dream not just for himself but for you, for all of us, for America. And in honoring his commitm...

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Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Central American Peace Process

January 19, 1988 (01/19/1988) President Reagan believes that the outcome of the January 15 summit meeting of the Central American Presidents presents important opportunities to further peace and democ...

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