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Showing 7581-7590 of 7635 records

Remarks at a White House Reception Honoring Vladimir Feltsman

September 27, 1987 (09/27/1987) Well, Vladimir Feltsman , one critic has called you "extraordinary, brilliant,'' while another has written, "He must be counted among the great musicians of the world.'...

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Nominations and Appointments, September 29, 1987 (09/29/1987)

Nomination of William S. Rose, Jr., To Be an Assistant Attorney General September 29, 1987 (09/29/1987) The President today announced his intention to nominate William S. Rose, Jr., to be an Assistant...

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Proclamation 5709 -- AIDS Awareness and Prevention Month, 1987

September 29, 1987 (09/29/1987) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the disease AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) into w...

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Remarks at a White House Briefing on the Nomination of Robert H. Bork To Be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

September 30, 1987 (09/30/1987) The President. Well, welcome to the Old Executive Office Building . I'm told that this grand old building is considered part of the White House these days, but it wasn'...

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Nominations & Appointments, January 29, 1981 (01/29/1981)

Nomination of Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. To Be an Under Secretary of State January 29, 1981 (01/29/1981) The President announced today his intention to nominate Walter J. Stoessel, Jr., as Under Secretar...

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Remarks on the Nation's Economy at a White House Meeting With State Legislators and County Executives

February 9, 1981 (02/09/1981) I'm not saying hello individually, except to those near at hand, because I understand we'll have a chance later when we leave here for some photos. But I am grateful that...

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Appointment of Richard S. Williamson as Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs

February 10, 1981 (02/10/1981) The President announced today the appointment of Richard S. Williamson to be the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs. Mr. Williamson is presently Sp...

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White House Announcement on the Formation of the President's Economic Policy Advisory Board

February 10, 1981 (02/10/1981) The President announced today his intention to form the President's Economic Policy Advisory Board. The Board will be composed of economic experts from outside the Gover...

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Nominations & Appointments, February 11, 1981 (02/11/1981)

Nomination of Carol E. Dinkins To Be an Assistant Attorney General February 11, 1981 (02/11/1981) The President announced today his intention to nominate Carol E. Dinkins to be an Assistant Attorney G...

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Remarks to Reporters on Releasing an Audit of the United States Economy

February 12, 1981 (02/12/1981) The President . Today I'm releasing an audit of the American economy that's been prepared by my advisers and that I described to this Nation in the address last week. An...

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