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Showing 161-170 of 888 records

Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Norway Fishery Agreement

February 24, 1981 (02/24/1981) To the Congress of the United States: In accordance with the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (Public Law 94 - 265; 16 USC 1801), I transmit herewith a go...

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Letter Accepting the Resignation of Max Cleland as Administrator of Veterans Affairs

February 26, 1981 (02/26/1981) Dear Mr. Cleland: This letter is to accept your resignation as Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, effective today. Your willingness to serve during this transition peri...

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Statement by the Press Secretary on the Formation of the Cabinet Councils

February 26, 1981 (02/26/1981) The membership of each Cabinet Council has been finalized. The Cabinet Councils are designed to operate as subgroups of the full Cabinet, with the President presiding. F...

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Public Papers of Ronald Reagan January 1981

January 20, 1981 (01/20/1981) Inaugural Address Remarks on Signing the Federal Employee Hiring Freeze Memorandum and the Cabinet Member Nominations  Memorandum Directing a Federal Employee Hiring Free...

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Remarks at a Republican Fundraising Reception in New York, New York

November 6, 1981 (11/06/1981) Thank you very much, Chairman-George, I'm very delighted to be here. I'd be more delighted if Nancy were here with me, but she's temporarily grounded by the bug. George C...

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Remarks at a Ceremony Commemorating the Initiation of the Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program

November 10, 1981 (11/10/1981) On this eve of Veterans Day in 1981, we meet to inaugurate a program that's aimed at helping a group of veterans who have never received the thanks they deserved for the...

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Statement by the Vice President About the Attempted Assassination of the President

March 30, 1981 (03/30/1981) Well, I have a very brief statement that I would like to read. I am deeply heartened by Dr. O'Leary's report on the President's condition, that he has emerged from this exp...

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Remarks and Question-and-Answer Session with Reporters on the Announcement of the United States Strategic Weapons Program

October 2, 1981 (10/02/1981) The President . As President, it's my solemn duty to ensure America's national security while vigorously pursuing every path to peace. Toward this end, I have repeatedly p...

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Inaugural Invocation and Prayer Breakfast invocation delivered by the Reverend Donald L. Moomaw

January 2, 1967 (01/02/1967) ( 12:14 a.m. ) Inaugural Invocation and Prayer Breakfast invocation delivered by the Reverend Donald L. Moomaw Well, George, here we are on the late show again (laughter)....

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January 17, 1967 (01/17/1967) Statement of Governor Ronald Reagan on Tuition

January 17, 1967 (01/17/1967) In all the sound and fury of the budget discussion of recent days, this administration has been portrayed as an opponent of educational ideas engaged in total warfare aga...

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