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Showing 4991-5000 of 5208 records

Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Free and Fair Trade

October 16, 1985 (10/16/1985) President Reagan is today instructing Ambassador Yeutter to initiate proceedings under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) against wheat export subsidies of...

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Proclamation 5393 -- World Food Day, 1985

October 16, 1985 (10/16/1985) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation One of the most encouraging results of World Food Day, which the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) o...

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Remarks to Representatives of Ethnic and Fraternal Benefit Organizations During a White House Briefing on Tax Reform

October 17, 1985 (10/17/1985) Well, thank you all, and welcome to the White House. I just stopped and stuck my head in the door of a meeting that's going on down the hall you'd have liked very much. T...

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Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on the Removal of Portugal as a Trade Beneficiary Developing Country

October 22, 1985 (10/22/1985) Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) I am writing to inform you of my intent to remove Portugal from the list of beneficiary developing countries under the Generalized...

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Remarks to Religious Leaders at a White House Meeting on Tax Reform

October 29, 1985 (10/29/1985) Thank you all very much, and welcome to the White House. I always feel self-conscious when I say that, and I say that every time I'm in here, but somehow, technically -- ...

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Interview With Brian Widlake of the British Broadcasting Corporation

October 29, 1985 (10/29/1985) U.S.-Soviet Summit Meeting Mr. Widlake. Mr. President, your meeting with Mr. Gorbachev is only 3 weeks away now; everyone regards it as crucial. What do you hope, persona...

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Remarks Announcing the Presentation of a New United States Proposal at the Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations With the Soviet Union

October 31, 1985 (10/31/1985) The President. I have instructed our negotiators in Geneva at the nuclear and space talks to present a new United States proposal designed to advance the prospects for ac...

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Notice of the Continuation of the Iran Emergency

November 1, 1985 (11/01/1985) On November 14, 1979 (11/14/1979), by Executive Order No. 12170, the President declared a national emergency to deal with the threat to the national security, foreign pol...

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Radio Address to the Nation on the Soviet-United States Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations

November 2, 1985 (11/02/1985) My fellow Americans: Yesterday in Geneva American negotiators presented to their Soviet counterparts new proposals designed to achieve real reductions in the nuclear arse...

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Remarks at a White House Meeting With 1984 Reagan-Bush Campaign Supporters

November 6, 1985 (11/06/1985) Good morning, and welcome. It's a pleasure to look out on this audience and see so many old and loyal friends. I seem to recall that we shared a great moment on this date...

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