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Showing 4151-4160 of 4226 records

Statement by Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Robert C. McFarlane on Arms Control Talks With the Soviet Union

August 1, 1984 (08/01/1984) The United States has made clear to the Soviet Government in a series of high-level messages that it accepts the Soviet Union's June 29 proposal and is prepared for serious...

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Appointment of Two Members of the National Advisory Council on Indian Education

December 10, 1984 (12/10/1984) The President today announced his intention to appoint the following individuals to be members of the National Advisory Council on Indian Education for terms expiring Se...

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Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Defense Budget

December 14, 1984 (12/14/1984) Mr. Deaver. Mr. President, I'm very happy to give you the first Inaugural Plate for your second Inaugural. The President . Well, all right. I'm very pleased to have this...

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Recess Appointment of Bonnie Guiton as a Commissioner of the Postal Rate Commission

December 14, 1984 (12/14/1984) The President today recess appointed Bonnie Guiton to be a Commissioner of the Postal Rate Commission for the remainder of the term expiring November 22, 1988 (11/22/198...

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Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Defense Budget

December 18, 1984 (12/18/1984) The President has made his decision regarding the defense budget. The decision is based on his determination that all agencies and departments, including the Department ...

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Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Steel Import Agreements

December 19, 1984 (12/19/1984) The President today is announcing agreements with seven countries -- Japan, Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Australia, and South Africa -- to establish limits on the impor...

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Executive Order 12490 -- National Commission on Space

October 12, 1984 (10/12/1984) By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and statutes of the United States of America, including Title II of the National Aeronautics and Space Admi...

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Appointment of Five Members of the Board of Directors of the Federal National Mortgage Association

October 15, 1984 (10/15/1984) The President today announced his intention to appoint the following individuals to be members of the Board of Directors of the Federal National Mortgage Association for ...

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Remarks at a Reagan-Bush Rally in Glen Ellyn, Illinois

October 16, 1984 (10/16/1984) The President. Thank you all very much, and I thank Jim Thompson for that very wonderful and glowing introduction. And, Edna Duty, you and I know something that all of th...

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Proclamation 5260 -- World Food Day, 1984

October 16, 1984 (10/16/1984) By the President of the United States  of America A Proclamation The United States has a long tradition of sharing its rich agricultural abundance and technical expertise...

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