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Showing 7501-7510 of 7666 records

Nomination of James L. Usry To Be a Member of the National Advisory Council on Educational Research and Improvement

March 20, 1987 (03/20/1987) The President today announced his intention to nominate James L. Usry to be a member of the National Advisory Council on Educational Research and Improvement for a term exp...

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Nomination of William Lee Hanley, Jr., To Be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

March 24, 1987 (03/24/1987) The President today announced his intention to nominate William Lee Hanley, Jr., to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for a t...

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Proclamation 5623 -- Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 1987

March 24, 1987 (03/24/1987) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Among Greece's most cherished and revered contributions to mankind are the ideals of freedom and democracy. ...

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Informal Exchange With Reporters

March 26, 1987 (03/26/1987) Q. [Inaudible] -- the court decision on affirmative action? The President. Well, obviously, I disagree with the decision. But the court has made it, and I'm not going to qu...

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Remarks to Students at Fairview Elementary School in Columbia, Missouri

March 26, 1987 (03/26/1987) The President. I know that Secretary Bennett and I are both very happy to be here. Can you all hear? Students. Yes. The President. And I think this is wonderful what you're...

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White House Statement on Imports From the European Economic Community

December 24, 1987 (12/24/1987) The President today signed a proclamation imposing and temporarily suspending duties on approximately $100 million worth of exports from the European Community (EC) to t...

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Statement on the Eighth Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

December 27, 1987 (12/27/1987) This is the time of year when Americans gather in the company of their families and friends, make resolutions for the New Year, and reflect on the year gone by. It is pr...

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Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment

December 31, 1987 (12/31/1987) The President today signed H.R. 2945, the Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 1987. This legislation will provide, as proposed by the administration,...

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Radio Address to the Nation on the Economy and Deficit Reduction

November 21, 1987 (11/21/1987) My fellow Americans: In a moment I'd like to tell you about our efforts this past week to cut the Federal deficit in order to keep the American economy growing and stron...

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Statement on the Death of Harold Washington

November 27, 1987 (11/27/1987) Dear (Member of Congress): On November 20, the Leadership of the House and Senate joined with me to announce to the American people a bipartisan agreement to bring about...

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