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Showing 2031-2040 of 2114 records

Remarks at a Campaign Rally for Senator James T. Broyhill in Raleigh, North Carolina

October 8, 1986 (10/08/1986) The President. Thank you all very much. I really feel a warm welcome all the way, and I look up at that banner there and find I've got some fraternity brothers in the crow...

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Remarks at a Campaign Rally for Senator Mack Mattingly in Atlanta, Georgia

October 8, 1986 (10/08/1986) The President. Thank you very much. If they'd have done that in Hollywood , I might have stuck around. [Laughter] Well, thank you all very much. And thank you very much. W...

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Proclamation 5542 -- American Liver Foundation National Liver Awareness Month, 1986

October 8, 1986 (10/08/1986) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Liver diseases claim 50,000 lives in the United States each year and are the fourth leading cause of death ...

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Proclamation 5543 -- National Down Syndrome Month, 1986

October 8, 1986 (10/08/1986) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Down Syndrome is the most common genetic birth defect associated with mental handicap. Approximately one in...

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Proclamation 5544 -- National Spina Bifida Month, 1986

October 8, 1986 (10/08/1986) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Spina bifida strikes one to two of every one thousand babies born in the United States . It is the most com...

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Proclamation 5548 -- Polish American Heritage Month, 1986

October 13, 1986 (10/13/1986) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation In October, we celebrate Polish American Heritage Month in the United States . Our Nation owes an immeasur...

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Proclamation 5550 -- White Cane Safety Day, 1986

October 13, 1986 (10/13/1986) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation As more and more blind and visually handicapped Americans enter the mainstream of society to live and work...

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Remarks to Representatives of the Young Astronauts Council on Their Departure for the Soviet Union

October 16, 1986 (10/16/1986) Thank you all very much. Thank you, Jack. When I met with Mr. Gorbachev last November in Geneva , we decided that it would be valuable for our two peoples to have a more ...

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Executive Order 12549 -- Debarment and Suspension of Participants in Federal Programs

February 18, 1986 (02/18/1986) By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to curb fraud, waste, and abuse in Federal programs...

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Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality

February 19, 1986 (02/19/1986) To the Congress of the United States: I am pleased to transmit to the Congress the 15th Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality. By most conventional measu...

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