These photos date from 1967-1969 taken by State trooper Arthur van Court who was Governor Reagan's security chief. Common subjects of the photos are: Governor Ronald Reagan working at the State Capitol, Reagan giving speeches and Governor Reagan with Nancy Reagan and staff. Also, there are some more personal photos of Governor Reagan horseback riding, attending staff parties and golfing.

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Order Information and Pricing, Governor Ronald Reagan holding an Executive Director's meeting with Gordon Luce, Norman Livermore, Spencer Williams, Vernon Sturgeon, Caspar Weinberger in main office at the State Capitol in Sacramento, California, 1967-1969., Governor Ronald Reagan holding a staff meeting in main office at the State Capitol in Sacramento, California, 1967-1969., Governor Ronald Reagan at a Senior Staff Luncheon at Sutter Club in Sacramento, California, 1967-1968., Governor Ronald Reagan posing for photos seated at desk in Governor's Private Office at State Capitol in Sacramento, 1967-69., Governor Ronald Reagan talking on the telephone at his desk in Governor's Private Office at State Capitol in Sacramento, 1967-69., Governor Ronald Reagan holding press conference at California State Capitol in Sacramento, 1967-69.

AVC211, Governor Ronald Reagan leaving his residence carrying briefcase on his way to Governor's Office at State Capitol, Sacramento, 1967-69., Governor Ronald Reagan posing for photo on horse with cowboy hat, 1969., Governor Ronald Reagan giving a speech during a luncheon in an unidentified school auditorium, 1967-69., Governor Ronald Reagan aboard airplane looking out the window, 1967-69., Governor Ronald Reagan reading at his desk in Governor's Private Office at State Capitol in Sacramento, 1967-69., Governor Ronald Reagan posing for photos while seated at desk in Governor's Private Office at State Capitol in Sacramento, 1967-69., Governor Ronald Reagan's television taping of "Report to the People" regarding the California budget KXTV Television Studio, Sacramento, California, 02/05/1967., Governor Ronald Reagan reading a magazine while seated at desk in Governor's Private Office at State Capitol in Sacramento, May 1967.

AVC234, Governor Ronald Reagan wearing cowboy hat during Rancheros Visitadores ride in Santa Ynez Valley, California, 05/08/1967., Governor Ronald Reagan speaking at at a Hollywood Bowl event "Rally for Israel's Survival," Hollywood, California, 06/11/1967.

AVC216, Governor Ronald Reagan and Executive Secretary Phil Battaglia working aboard an airplane, June, 1967., Governor Ronald Reagan holding a press conference at the State Capitol, Sacramento, California, July, 1967., Governor Ronald Reagan appearing on the live television broadcast of ABC show "Issues and Answers" at Pearson College in New York City, 10/15/1967., Governor Ronald Reagan with Nancy Reagan and Bill Clark during the National Governors' Conference aboard the SS Independence en route to St. Croix, 10/16/1967., Governor Ronald Reagan seated at desk having lunch in Governor's Main Office with young children from a one-room school house at the State Capitol, Sacramento, 11/09/1967., Governor Ronald Reagan being presented with the California flag flown in Vietnam by the military in front of State Capitol in Sacramento, California, 12/13/1967., Governor Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, son Ron Reagan and daughter Patti Davis decorating the Christmas Tree at Pacific Palisades home for press event California, December, 1967., Governor Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan eating ice cream cones, California, 1967-68., Governor Ronald Reagan throwing baseball and giving remarks on field while attending Oakland Athletics baseball game, 1968-69., Governor Ronald Reagan riding his horse "Little Man" at Lauer Ranch in Grass Valley California, 1967-69., Governor Ronald Reagan visiting minority community regarding housing and child care issues, California, 1968., Governor Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan visiting a wounded soldier from Vietnam War at Letterman General hospital in San Francisco, California, 02/25/1968., Governor Ronald Reagan playing golf in Palm Springs, California, February, 1968., Governor Ronald Reagan driving a golf cart with President Dwight D. Eisenhower in Palm Springs, California, February, 1968., Governor Ronald Reagan at Clark Ranch riding a horse while wearing cowboy hat during a Rancheros Visitadores ride in Santa Ynez Valley California, April, 1968., Governor Ronald Reagan with Tom Reed and Lyn Nofziger conversing aboard an airplane, April, 1968.

AVC225-1, Governor Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and son Ron Reagan attending the Federation International Ski World Cup Competition in Heavenly Valley, Lake Tahoe, 04/07/1968., Governor Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan being interviewed by press after landing in Honolulu, Hawaii, May, 1968., Governor Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan seated at table next to Waikiki beach during trip to Oahu, Hawaii, May, 1968.

AVC227-5, Governor Ronald Reagan holding a luncheon meeting with Nancy Reagan and staff members Lyn Nofziger, William Clark, Edwin Meese, Arthur Van Court, and Gordon Luce on hotel balcony during trip to Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii, May, 1969., Governor Ronald Reagan with NBC news correspondent Robert Abernathy during taping for television appearance on "Meet the Press" in California, 05/26/1968., Governor Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan and son Ron at birthday party for Nancy held at ranch above Lake Elsinore in California, July, 1968., Governor Ronald Reagan speaking at the Greater Cincinnati Airport in Ohio, 08/02/1968., Governor Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan talking to press with Arthur Van Court also in photo at Republican National Convention GOP convention Miami Beach Convention Center, Florida, 08/07/1968., Governor Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan attending party with William Clark, Joan Clark and Helene von Damm at unknown location, California, 1969.

AVC104-5A, Governor Ronald Reagan standing in pool, with Nancy Reagan on the side, after rescuing a young girl (Alicia Berry) while hosting a staff party at Governor's Residence, 1341 45th Street, Sacramento, California, 07/04/1969.