Below is an alphabetical list of finding aids to collections that were generated within the White House.  The Library provides a list of White House offices and their staff.

Works prepared by the U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyright interest of materials written by other individuals or organizations is presumed to remain with them.


Showing 26 - 50 of 722 items
Alphabetical Filter
Name Title
Bach, Christena L.: Files,1986-1988 Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
Bailey, Norman A.: Files, 1981-1983 Planning and Evaluation Directorate, NSC; International Economic Affairs Directorate, NSC
Bailey, Pamela G.: Files, 1984-1985 Office of Communications: Special Assistant to the President and Director
Baker, Howard H. Jr.: Files, 1987-1988 Chief of Staff, 1987-1988
Baker, James A. III: Files, 1981-1985 Office of the Chief of Staff: Chief of Staff, 1981-1985
Bakshian, Aram Jr.: Files, 1981 Office of Public Liaison: Special Assistant to the President
Bakshian, Aram Jr.: Files, 1982-1983 Office of Speechwriting
Balfour, Deborah: Files, 1986-1988 Office of the First Lady
Ball, William L. III: Files, 1986-1988 Legislative Affairs, White House Office of
Bandow, Doug L. : Files, 1981-1982 Office of Policy Development: Special Assistant to the President
Barnett, Tricia: Files 1985-1988 Office of Private Sector Initiatives
Baroody, Michael E.: Files, 1981-1985 Deputy Director of Communications, 1981; Director of the Office of Public Affairs, 1981-1985
Barr, William P.: Files, 1982-1983 Office of Policy Development: Deputy Assistant Director for Legal Policy
Barun, Kenneth L.: Files, 1985-1986 Office of the First Lady
Batten, Michael: Files, 1981-1987 Office of White House Correspondence: Agency Liaison
Bauer, Gary L.: Files, 1981-1989 Office of Policy Development
Bauman, Genie: Files, 1988 Office of Policy Development
Beal, Richard S.: Files, 1981-1983 Office of Planning and Evaluation
Beal, Richard S.: Files, 1983-1984 Crisis Management Support and Planning, NSC
Bell, Lillie L.: Files, 1981-1989 Office of Correspondence: Mail Analysis
Bell, Mariam: Files, 1985-1988 Office of Public Liaison
Bemis, Robert C.: Files, 1987-1988 International Programs and Technology Affairs Directorate, NSC
Beserra, Rudy: Files, 1986-1988 Office of Public Liaison
Bistany, Joanna: Files, 1982-1983 Office of Communications
Black, Judy A.: Files, 1981-1988 Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
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