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Showing 6076 - 6100 of 6297 items
Title Sort descending Date Location OPA/Catalog Other Speakers Start Time Tape Length Tape Number
Remarks by President Reagan while attending dinner for the ALFALA club. Capitol Hilton Hotel. 01/25/1986 Washington, DC Vice President George Bush, Senator Ernest Hollings 21:15 00:00-56:20 PP6025A
Remarks by President Reagan while attending Eagles dinner. Ballroom Mayflower Hotel. 04/02/1985 Washington, DC Mr. Brown, Vice President George Bush, Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Senator Paul Laxalt 21:13 00:00-42:47 PP5092E
Remarks by President Reagan while attending Ford's Theater Gala. 06/08/1986 Washington, DC 22:31 00:00-05:00 PP6159
Remarks by President Reagan while attending forum on Agribusiness. Millikan University. 08/20/1984 Decatur, Illinois N. Duane Noland, John White, Dr. Miller, Mr. Nordland, Dr. Decker 15:50 00:00-42:30 PP2960
Remarks by President Reagan while attending fundraising affair for AIDS research. Potomac Restaurant, Washington Harbor Building. 05/31/1987 Washington, DC Elizabeth Taylor, Dr. Silverman, Mr. Ross 20:53 00:00-57:05 PP7151
Remarks by President Reagan while attending fundraising dinner for Senator and Mrs. Orrin Hatch. Grand Ballroom Sheraton Grand Hotel. 06/17/1987 Washington, DC Senator Orrin Hatch 19:44 00:00-10:00 PP7168G
Remarks by President Reagan while attending fundraising event for Senator Broyhill. Greensboro Coliseum Exhibit Hall. 06/04/1986 Greensboro, North Carolina Senator James Broyhill 14:38 00:00-17:42 PP6155B
Remarks by President Reagan while attending fundraising luncheon for Senator Jeremiah Denton. Birmingham Civic Center. 06/06/1985 Birmingham, Alabama 12:48 00:00-35:31 PP5157B
Remarks by President Reagan while attending g1st annual dinner for the Nicaraguan refugee fund. Main Ballroom J. W. Marriott Hotel. 04/15/1985 Washington, DC Ambassador Arthur Davis 19:37 00:00-24:40 PP5105D
Remarks by President Reagan while attending joint military ceremony. Bitburg Air Force Base. 05/05/1985 Bitburg, West Germany 7280682 Chancellor Helmut Kohl 15:32 00:00-18:00 PP5125B
Remarks by President Reagan while attending memorial service for the crew of space shuttle Challenger. Johnson Space Center. 01/31/1986 Houston, Texas Reverend Hawley, Dr. Billy Graham 11:53 00:00-09:00 PP6031
Remarks by President Reagan while attending memorial service of Sailors of the USS Stark. Mayport Naval Station. 05/22/1987 Mayport, Florida 7450188 Secretary of The Navy John R. McNamara, James R. Kelly 11:50 00:00-15:00 PP7142
Remarks by President Reagan while attending National Prayer breakfast. International Ballroom Washington Hilton Hotel. 02/06/1986 Washington, DC Vice President George Bush 09:20 00:00-18:40 PP6037
Remarks by President Reagan while attending National Prayer breakfast. Washington Hilton Hotel. 01/31/1985 Washington, DC Vice President George Bush, Representative Ralph Regula, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Governor George Deukmejian, Wes Watkins, Mayor Goode, Senator Lawton Childs 09:05 00:00-20:00 PP5031
Remarks by President Reagan while attending National space club luncheon. Regency Ballroom Shoreham Hotel. 03/29/1985 Washington, DC 12:54 00:00-16:00 PP5088
Remarks by President Reagan while attending opening day ceremony for the Baltimore Orioles. Memorial Stadium. 04/02/1984 Baltimore, Maryland 14:36 00:00-06:49 PP2594
Remarks by President Reagan while attending picnic at St. Patrick's Catholic Church. 09/20/1984 Fairfax, Iowa Senator Jepsen 12:14 00:00-14:00 PP3050
Remarks by President Reagan while attending political fundraising reception for Senator Paula Hawkins. Versailles Room Intercontinental Hotel. 07/23/1986 Miami, Florida 19:37 00:00-12:00 PP6204D
Remarks by President Reagan while attending press barbecue. Klinger Residence. 08/28/1985 Santa Barbara, California 18:30 00:00-02:23 PP5240
Remarks by President Reagan while attending private reception. Encino Room Century Plaza Hotel. 11/06/1984 Los Angeles, California 21:17 00:00-02:00 PP3253
Remarks by President Reagan while attending Reagan/Bush '84 rally. Auditorium Shores. 07/25/1984 Austin, Texas Senator Phil Gramm, Vice President George Bush 12:40 00:00-40:10 PP2926
Remarks by President Reagan while attending Reagan/Bush '84 rally. Towne Green. 09/19/1984 Waterbury, Connecticut Mayor Mike Bergen, Secretary Malcolm Baldrige 12:24 00:00-28:08 PP3041
Remarks by President Reagan while attending Reagan/Bush '84 welcome rally. Atrium I Anatole Hotel. 08/22/1984 Dallas, Texas Vice President Frank Farincone, Coach Tom Landry 16:24 00:00-24:20 PP2967C
Remarks by President Reagan while attending reception for citizens for America. East Room. 10/02/1985 Washington, DC 17:35 00:00-07:00 PP5275C
Remarks by President Reagan while attending reception for citizens of the Republic. Philips Art Gallery. 04/15/1985 Washington, DC Vice President George Bush, Lyn Nofsinger 18:40 00:00-17:00 PP5105C
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