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Showing 4501 - 4525 of 6297 items
Title Sort descending Date Location OPA/Catalog Other Speakers Start Time Tape Length Tape Number
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for annual dinner of the National Association of bank Women. Library. 05/14/1987 Washington, DC 16:30 00:00-02:40 PP7134A
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for anti defamation league of B'Nai Brith. Roosevelt room. 01/14/1988 Washington, DC 16:52 00:00-02:00 PP8014
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for anti defamation league of greater Chicago benefit dinner. Library. 04/15/1988 Washington, DC 15:27 00:00-02:45 PP8106A
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for armed forces Christmas message. Diplomatic Reception Room. 09/26/1985 Washington, DC 16:57 00:00-01:00 PP5269A
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for armed forces day message. Library. 04/26/1988 Washington, DC 16:32 00:00-01:22 PP8117F
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Armed forces day. Diplomatic Reception Room. 04/17/1985 Washington, DC 16:45 00:00-00:57 PP5107E
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for armed forces day. Library. 03/24/1986 Washington, DC 16:51 00:00-01:30 PP6083C1
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for armed forces personnel. Diplomatic Reception Room. 09/21/1984 Washington, DC 14:51 00:00-02:00 PP3061
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Asa Hutchinson. Oval Office. 08/05/1986 Washington, DC 16:10 00:00-00:30 PP6217F
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for associated builders and contractors. Roosevelt Room. 02/22/1988 Washington, DC 17:19 00:00-03:00 PP8053H
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for associated General contractor's annual convention. Diplomatic Reception Room. 02/26/1985 Washington, DC 17:07 00:00-03:15 PP5057
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Associated press radio. Library. 03/24/1986 Washington, DC 16:41 00:00-01:10 PP6083B
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for association of independent colleges and schools. Roosevelt Room. 10/23/1987 Washington, DC 14:59 00:00-02:30 PP7296G
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for award dinner for Dr. Dobson founder of focus on the family. Roosevelt Room. 10/23/1987 Washington, DC 14:12 00:00-02:30 PP7296B
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for B'nai B'rith Tribute to Walter Annenberg. Map Room. 06/18/1986 Washington, DC 14:39 00:00-02:00 PP6169F
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Ben Elliott Goodbye. Library. 05/12/1986 Washington, DC 17:00 00:00-01:45 PP6132H
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Bette David Theater arts award. Library. 11/08/1982 Washington, DC 17:23 00:00-01:33 PP1345
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Bill Clements for Governor. Oval Office 10/27/1986 Washington, DC 17:18 00:00-00:22 PP6300L
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Bill Scranton for Lt. Governor campaign. Oval Office. 10/27/1986 Washington, DC 17:16 00:00-00:22 PP6300K
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Bob Hope's 85th birthday. (1st Cut). Library. 04/15/1988 Washington, DC 15:42 00:00-01:45 PP8106E
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Bob Hope's 85th birthday. (2nd Cut). Library. 04/15/1988 Washington, DC 15:45 00:00-01:45 PP8106F
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for Boy Scouts public service announcement. Diplomatic Reception Room. 11/07/1983 Washington, DC 22:48 00:00-05:12 PP2248
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for British-American conference of PSI. Library. 04/15/1988 Washington, DC 15:31 00:00-02:45 PP8106B
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for broadcast pioneer's dinner. Diplomatic Reception Room. 12/06/1985 Washington, DC 15:51 00:00-02:00 PP5340F
Remarks by President Reagan during video taping session for broadcast pioneers. Map Room. 02/17/1987 Washington, DC 15:43 00:00-02:52 PP7048E
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