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Showing 4026 - 4050 of 6297 items
Title Sort descending Date Location OPA/Catalog Other Speakers Start Time Tape Length Tape Number
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of 4th of July message. Map Room. 06/30/1981 Washington, DC 17:20 00:00-05:00 PP0302
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of message for Bear Bryant. Library. 11/19/1981 Washington, DC 17:50 00:00-01:09 PP0630
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of message for World Health day. Library. 04/02/1982 Washington, DC 15:32 00:00-02:00 PP0873
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of message to Navajos for "Real People". Library. 02/11/1982 Washington, DC 17:05 00:00-01:25 PP0770
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of message to the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Diplomatic Room. 01/17/1983 Washington, DC 16:15 00:00-01:57 PP1502
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of message to Utah state Republican convention. Oval Office Study. 06/24/1981 Washington, DC 10:05 00:00-01:00 PP0295
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of radio message for Private sector initiatives. Map Room. 05/05/1982 Washington, DC 12:25 00:00-02:00 PP0955
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of radio message for the Statue of Liberty. Library. 06/28/1982 Washington, DC 17:10 00:00-02:53 PP1066
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of radio spot for vote Republican. Oval Office. 10/27/1986 Washington, DC 17:04 00:00-01:00 PP6300E
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of student TV show for CSPAN. Room 450 OEOB. 02/25/1983 Washington, DC 13:00 00:00-40:00 PP1599
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of student TV show, Close up Foundation. Room 450 OEOB. 01/21/1983 Washington, DC 13:00 00:00-43:00 PP1517
Remarks by President Reagan during taping of United Airlines tribute. Diplomatic Room. 01/31/1983 Washington, DC 16:39 00:00-01:00 PP1554
Remarks by President Reagan during taping on payment in kind. Diplomatic Reception Room. 05/02/1983 Washington, DC 17:21 00:00-01:15 PP1766
Remarks by President Reagan during taping on the Chicago crime commission. Library. 10/19/1981 Washington, DC 14:53 00:00-05:00 PP0560
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session commemorating the 1st anniversary of satellite news. Map Room. 06/17/1983 Washington, DC 14:41 00:00-00:52 PP1911
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Simon Bolivar. Map Room. 06/17/1983 Washington, DC 14:37 00:00-02:14 PP1910
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for 40th annual celebration and national leadership conference for future business leaders of America. Map Room. 04/20/1982 Washington, DC 16:45 00:00-09:28 PP0920
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for 60 year celebration of WOR radio, New York. Library. 01/19/1982 Washington, DC 17:32 00:00-00:45 PP0727
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for a salute to Paul Harvey. Library 09/08/1988 Washington, DC 16:56 00:00-03:00 PP8252D
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for a VOA broadcast to the Cuban people. Diplomatic Reception Room. 01/05/1984 Washington, DC 17:02 00:00-06:00 PP2367
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for a World series spot on jobs training program. Diplomatic Reception Room. 09/21/1983 Washington, DC 14:10 00:00-01:10 PP2110
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for ABC anti-crime program. Library. 12/09/1982 Washington, DC 16:50 00:00-01:00 PP1432
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for Alistair Cooke's 80th anniversary. Library 10/25/1988 Washington, DC 16:46 00:00-01:40 PP8299C
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for American Dermatology. Library. 11/15/1988 Washington, DC 16:46 00:00-01:45 PP8320F
Remarks by President Reagan during taping session for American society of association executives convention. Library. 07/12/1982 Washington, DC 17:04 00:00-03:00 PP1078
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