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Showing 3951 - 3975 of 6297 items
Title Sort descending Date Location OPA/Catalog Other Speakers Start Time Tape Length Tape Number
Remarks by President Reagan during statement to the press on Election results. Rose garden. 11/03/1982 Washington, DC 10:00 00:00-13:00 PP1334
Remarks by President Reagan during statement to the press on passage of the Highway construction bill. Press Lobby. 12/23/1982 Washington, DC 12:10 00:00-15:00 PP1462
Remarks by President Reagan during statement to the press regarding the Iran/Contra crisis. Press Lobby. 11/25/1986 Washington, DC 24468993 Attorney General Ed Meese 12:06 00:00-05:00 PP6329
Remarks by President Reagan during statement to the press. Chateau Guest House. 03/02/1988 Brussels, Belgium Secretary of State George Shultz 17:33 00:00-03:00 PP8062F
Remarks by President Reagan during statement to the press. Press Theater NATO Headquarters. 03/03/1988 Brussels, Belgium Secretary of Sate George Shultz 12:11 00:00-13:18 PP8063B
Remarks by President Reagan during Sugar Maple tree planting ceremony. South Lawn. 12/12/1984 Washington, DC 11:51 00:00-03:00 PP3315
Remarks by President Reagan during super bowl pre game interview with Tom Brokaw of NBC. Library. 01/26/1986 Washington, DC Tom Brokaw 16:41 00:00-09:00 PP6026
Remarks by President Reagan during Superconductivity demonstration before his address to superconductivity conference. Washington Hilton Hotel. 07/28/1987 Washington, DC 11:35 00:00-05:30 PP7209
Remarks by President Reagan during surprise celebration honoring his 76th birthday. Room 450 OEOB. 02/06/1987 Washington, DC Nancy Reagan 10:50 00:00-07:00 PP7037
Remarks by President Reagan during surprise drop by briefing for OMB employees. Room 450 OEOB. 02/24/1986 Washington, DC 13:40 00:00-05:00 PP6055B
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing ceremony for Dr. Lauro F. Cavazos as Secretary of Education. East Room. 09/20/1988 Washington, DC Secretary of Education Dr. Lauro Cavazos 14:20 00:00-09:50 PP8264A
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing ceremony for Helene von Damm as Ambassador to Austria. State Dining Room. 05/16/1983 Washington, DC Ambassador James Roosevelt, Judge William Clark, Ambassador Helene von Damm 17:02 00:00-15:36 PP1795
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing ceremony of Secretary of the Treasury Nicholas Brady. Roosevelt Room. 09/16/1988 Washington, DC Nicholas Brady 10:54 00:00-07:35 PP8260
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Anne McLaughlin as Secretary of Labor. Roosevelt Room. 12/17/1987 Washington, DC Secretary Anne McLaughlin 13:39 00:00-11:20 PP7351
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Barbara McConnell into the Civil Aeronautics board. East Room. 09/23/1983 Washington, DC Barbara McConnell 16:48 00:00-12:20 PP2124
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Chief Justice Rhenquist and Associate Justice Antonin Scalia. East Room. 09/26/1986 Washington, DC Chief Justice Warren Burger 11:00 00:00-20:00 PP6269
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Clayton Yeutter as US trade representative. Roosevelt Room. 07/01/1985 Washington, DC Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Senator Crain, Clayton Yeutter 13:52 00:00-06:00 PP5182
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Dr. Wilson as the National Archivist. Rotunda National Archives. 12/04/1987 Washington, DC Dr. Don Wilson, Congressman Dick Cheney, David Mathews, Robert Warner 11:32 00:00-30:00 PP7338B
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Faith Whittlesey as Ambassador to Switzerland. Roosevelt Room. 04/24/1985 Washington, DC Faith Whittlesey 15:22 00:00-05:00 PP5114
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Frank Carlucci as Secretary of Defense. Roosevelt Room. 11/23/1987 Washington, DC 13:06 00:00-03:00 PP7327
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for General John W. Vessey Jr. as Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Rose Garden. 06/21/1982 Washington, DC General John Vessey, Secretary Caspar Weinberger 15:38 00:00-04:00 PP1050
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for James Burnley as Secretary of Transportation. Roosevelt Room. 12/03/1987 Washington, DC 11:51 00:00-07:00 PP7337A
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for James Fletcher as NASA administrator. Roosevelt Room. 05/12/1986 Washington, DC James Fletcher 11:09 00:00-02:00 PP6132
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Katherine Ortega as UN Treasurer. Rose Garden. 10/03/1983 Washington, DC Secretary Donald Regan, Katherine Ortega 11:01 00:00-08:00 PP2155
Remarks by President Reagan during swearing in ceremony for Kenneth Adelman as Director of US arms control and Disarmament agency. Roosevelt Room. 04/22/1983 Washington, DC Kenneth Adelman 14:45 00:00-09:00 PP1734
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