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Showing 3851 - 3875 of 6297 items
Title Sort descending Date Location OPA/Catalog Other Speakers Start Time Tape Length Tape Number
Remarks by President Reagan during signing of continuing resolution and reconciliation bills. Oval Office. 12/22/1987 Washington, DC 15:49 00:00-05:50 PP7356
Remarks by President Reagan during signing of HR 1900 (Social Security Amendment). South Lawn. 04/20/1983 Washington, DC Speaker of The House Tip O'Neill, Senator Howard Baker 10:30 00:00-15:00 PP1725
Remarks by President Reagan during signing of Nuclear energy act amendment of 1983. State Dining Room. 01/07/1983 Washington, DC 13:30 00:00-09:00 PP1479
Remarks by President Reagan during signing of surface assistance act 0f 1983. State Dining Room. 01/06/1983 Washington, DC 09:45 00:00-04:30 PP1476
Remarks by President Reagan during signing of the drought assistance bill ceremony. Rose Garden. 08/11/1988 Washington, DC 10:30 00:00-06:10 PP8224A
Remarks by President Reagan during signing of the GI bill. Rose Garden. 06/01/1987 Washington, DC 13:45 00:00-03:00 PP7152A
Remarks by President Reagan during signing of the United States/Costa Rica extradition treaty. National Theater. 12/04/1982 San Jose, Costa Rica President Monge Alvarez 09:55 00:00-40:00 PP1409
Remarks by President Reagan during signing proclamation for National housing week. Cabinet Room. 10/19/1982 Washington, DC 15:32 00:00-06:41 PP1286
Remarks by President Reagan during signing Senate resolution 912. Oval Office. 03/26/1984 Washington, DC 16:47 00:00-01:24 PP2570
Remarks by President Reagan during small business person of the year. Rose Garden. 05/11/1983 Washington, DC Vice President George Bush, Jim Sanders 10:51 00:00-14:00 PP1783
Remarks by President Reagan during small business week ceremony. Rose Garden. 05/09/1988 Washington, DC 13:48 00:00-09:00 PP8130
Remarks by President Reagan during special Olympics picnic and demonstration. Diplomatic Entrance. 06/12/1983 Washington, DC Frank Gifford, Christopher Reeve, Eunice K. Shriver 17:39 00:00-25:00 PP1891
Remarks by President Reagan during speech at Pointe Du Hoc for 40th Anniversary of D-Day. 06/06/1984 Normandy, France 7087574 14:20 00:00-12:00 PP2785
Remarks by President Reagan during speech at Precision lens company. 08/08/1988 Cincinnati, Ohio Mr. Howe 11:04 00:00-18:52 PP8221A
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to Brazilian industrial leaders. Governor's Palace. 12/02/1982 Sao Paulo, Brazil Mario Garnero, Joseph O'Neill, Governor Jose Maria Marin 16:12 00:00-37:43 PP1404
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to Ohio veterans. Regency Ballroom Hyatt Regency Hotel. 10/04/1982 Columbus, Ohio 14:20 00:00-60:00 PP1239
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to the commonwealth club. San Francisco Hilton Hotel. 03/04/1983 San Francisco, California 12:46 00:00-48:23 PP1612
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to the Nation concerning the economy. Oval Office. 10/13/1982 Washington, DC 7450170 19:30 00:00-22:00 PP1269
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to the Nation on Economic Recovery. Oval Office. 09/24/1981 Washington, DC 7323612 21:00 00:00-30:00 PP0483
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to the people of Berlin. Charlottenburg Palace. 06/11/1982 Berlin, West Germany Mayor of Berlin Richard Von Weizsacker, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt 11:15 00:00-57:00 PP1031
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to the Society of Cincinnati. Anderson House. 02/21/1983 Washington, DC Mr. Demot 18:26 00:00-14:38 PP1589
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to the West German Bundestag. Bundeshaus. 06/09/1982 Bonn, West Germany 7323621 16:13 00:00-44:00 PP1028
Remarks by President Reagan during speech to US League of savings associations. Grand Ballroom Hilton Hotel. 11/16/1982 New Orleans, Louisiana 13:53 00:00-32:00 PP1364
Remarks by President Reagan during St. Patrick's day luncheon with Congressman Robert Byrd. Speakers Dining Room US Capitol. 03/17/1987 Washington, DC House Speaker Jim Wright, Prime Minister Charles Haughey, Ex Speaker Tip O'Neill 13:48 00:00-19:47 PP7076B
Remarks by President Reagan during staff GOP reception. South Lawn. 10/19/1982 Washington, DC 17:35 00:00-17:40 PP1288
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