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Showing 1776 - 1800 of 1878 items
Title Date
The Old Fife and Drum Corps, Yesterdays music-Today’s Army
The Other World of Winston Churchill (paintings)
The Power Game with Hedrick Smith (Parts 1-4)
The Power Game: The Presidency, Hedrick Smith, PBS (Part #4)
The Presidency and the Nation, NBC, "Reagan's First Year, What Went Right, What Went Wrong 12/30/1981
The Queen and the Reagans, US and United Kingdom, BBC
The Reagan Family at GOP Republican National Convention, Detroit, Michigan 07/17/1980
The Reagan Forum at Reagan Presidential Library with Helen Thomas 09/09/1994
The Reagan Letters, Discovery 02/26/2004
The Reagan's at a Rally for POWs at Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles
The Reagan's at an Los Angeles Kings Hockey Game, donated by “LA Times” 01/01/1993
The Reagan's at Campaign event in Liberty State Park, New Jersey 09/01/1980
The Reagan's at Library Christmas Party in Museum lobby
The Reagan's at Rancho Del Cielo 06/25/1980
The Reagan's campaigning in Liberty State Park, New Jersey 09/01/1980
The Reagan’s at the 1981 Inauguration ceremony, U.S. Capitol 01/20/1981
The Reagan’s during election night party in Los Angeles, California 11/04/1980
The Reagans as Governor, First Lady, Publicity shots, Head shots of Nancy Reagan 01/01/1960
The Reagans at a campaign event and the Kohli family in Lima, Ohio
The Reagans at the 1968 Republican National Convention, 1976 Republican National Convention and general Governor era photos
The Reagans posing with Michael Davis at Rancho Del Cielo helicopter landing site
The Reagans, Hopes, Nixons, Agnews at unknown event
The Right, All Along, “A Time for Choosing” with Brit Hume FOX News 11/14/2010
The Right, All Along, “Path to Power” with Brit Hume FOX News 11/21/2010
The Right, All Along, “Reagan’s Resolve” with Brit Hume FOX News 12/04/2010
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