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The Electronic Freedom of Information Act (E-FOIA) Amendments of 1996 require agencies to provide the public with electronic access to any of their "Reading Room" records that have been created by them since November 1, 1996


The Reagan Library’s presidential records pertaining to the PPSSCC document the Administration’s drafting of the relevant Executive Orders, discussion of the legal basis for the PPSSCC, the applicability of federal employee ethics laws to members of the PPSSCC Executive Committee and Task Forces, the selection and vetting of Executive Committee members, PPSSCC press kits and publications, White House meetings and events involving Executive Committee members, the recommendations made by the PPSSCC and its task forces, the initial Cabinet Affairs office tracking of these recommendations, Administration efforts to implement the recommendations, internal White House searches for Reagan presidential records pertaining to the PPSSCC, correspondence with members of Congress or the public regarding the PPSSCC, the formation of subsequent private sector organizations to carry on the PPSSCC’s work, the relationship between the PPSSCC’s recommendations and those of the later “Reform 88” program, Freedom of Information Act requests for records pertaining to the PPSSCC, the Reorganization Act of 1977, administrative matters such as PPSSCC telephone and mail procedures, and controversies involving the PPSSCC. This last category includes material on ongoing efforts by Congressional Democrats and the General Accounting Office to exercise oversight over the PPSSCC. It also includes public allegations that the PPSSCC’s staffing and operating methods violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act and Freedom of Information Act. These allegations formed the basis for a lawsuit filed by the National Anti-Hunger Coalition.

The Reagan Library’s archival holdings contain several draft and final copies of the PPSSCC’s Report to the President, as well as the Task Force reports. A set of these reports is available in the Reagan Library research room.

At this point, the Reagan Library staff has not located any working files from the PPSSCC itself in the Library’s holdings. Also, the PPSSCC should not be confused with the “private sector initiatives” groups that operated within the Administration, and shared some of the PPSSCC’s goals and personnel.

Last Updated: 08/11/2020 05:47PM

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