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5219-11, Richard Allen, National Security Advisor. 11/19/1981.

C27079-9, Anne Armstrong, Chairman, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. 01/29/1985.

1357-16, Aram Bakshian, Office of Public Liaison and Office of Speechwriting. 03/25/1981.

C45500-11, William Ball, White House Office of Legislative Affairs. 02/24/1988.

C3675-27, James Baker III, Chief of Staff. 09/04/1981.

31942-2, Ken Barun, Office of First Lady. 11/14/1985,


C9456-23, Morton Blackwell, Special Assistant for Public Liaison. 08/02/1982.

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C8895-6, Wendy Borcherdt, White House Office of Public Liaison. 06/30/1982.

C33841-3, James Brady, White House Press Secretary. 03/14/1986.

C27953-17, Pat Buchanan, Director Office of Communications. 03/22/1985.

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C38726-7, Frank Carlucci, National Security Advisor. 01/07/1987.

1355-9, Red Cavaney, Deputy Assistant to the President for Public Liaison. 03/25/1981.

C28746-9A, Linda Chavez, Deputy Assistant for Public Liaison. 05/06/1985.

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C11218-1, Leo Cherne, President's Reagan Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board member. 11/10/1982.

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C11130-9A, Jim Cicconi. Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff. 11/04/1982.

10730-2, William Clark, National Security Advisor. 10/18/1982.

C18487-32, Kenneth Cribb, Office of the Counselor. 11/16/1983.

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12545-2, Richard Darman, White House Staff Secretary. 01/21/1983.

C934-12, Michael Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff. 02/26/1981.

C1045-3, Elizabeth Dole, Deputy Assistant for Public Liaison, 05/06/1981.

C21055-10, Frank Donatelli, Office of Public Liaison. 04/11/1984.

C8652-15A, Fred Fielding, Counsel to the President. 06/11/1982.

C27343-17, Marlin Fitzwater, Assistant to the President for Press Relations. 02/16/1985.

C22590-31, Craig Fuller, Assistant to the President for Cabinet Affairs. 06/14/1984.

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C42832-14, Thomas Griscom, Assistant to the President for Communications and Planning. 10/02/1987.

C533-26, Ed Harper, Assistant to the President for Policy Affairs. 02/06/1981.

C8196-2, E. Pendleton James, Deputy Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel. 05/26/1982.

C27500-4, Alton Keel, Deputy National Security Assistant to the President. 02/27/1985.

c1482-13, Ken Khachigian, Chief Speechwriter/Special Speech Consultant to the President. 04/06/1981.

C1515-6, Virginia Knauer, Office of Public Liaison. 04/10/1981.

C45833-12, Alan Kranowitz, Office of Legislative Affairs. 03/11/1988.

C48388-11, Mari Maseng, Director Office of Communications. 07/15/1988.

Peter McCoy, First Lady Chief of Staff. 02/03/1981.

C15611-5A, Robert McFarlane, National Security Advisor, 06/23/1983.

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C14608-6, Michael McManus, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff . 05/16/1983.

C318-15, Ed Meese, Counsellor to the President. 01/27/1981.

C5361-6A, James Nance, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. 12/02/1981.

C663-8, Lyn Nofziger, Office of Political Affairs, Director. 02/11/1981.

C33690-18, Peggy Noonan, White House Speechwriter. 03/06/1986.

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C12858-9, Admiral John Poindexter, Deputy National Security Advisor . 02/04/1983.

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C13960-30, Roger Porter, Deputy Assistant to the President Office of Policy Development, 04/13/1983.

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C43520-5, Colin Powell, Deputy National Security Advisor. 11/05/1987.

C8895-2, Diane Powers, Assistant to the Director, White House Photo Services. 06/30/1982.

C27235-5, Donald Regan. Chief of Staff, 02/08/1985.

C28739-14A, Nancy Risque, Office of Legislative Affairs. 05/01/1985.

36980-28A, Peter Robinson, White House Speechwriter. 09/12/1986.

C8902-18, John F.W. Rogers, Office of White House Operations/Administration. 07/01/1982.

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C13377-3, Pete Roussel, Deputy Press Secretary. 03/11/1983.

C30227-13, Gaston Sigur, National Security Council. 07/12/1985.

C9243-24, Karna Small, Office of Media Relations. 07/22/1982

C478-4, Larry Speakes, Principal Deputy Press Secretary. 02/04/1981.

C29839-18A, Beryl Sprinkel, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). 06/18/1985.

C1771-22, David Stockman, Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB). 05/05/1981.

C27308-4, Jack Svahn, Assistant to the President for policy Affairs 02/14/1986.

C466-25. Sheila Tate (Patton), First Lady Press Secretary. 02/03/1981.

C11499-10, Dr. Carlton Turner, Drug Abuse Policy Office. 12/02/1982.

C1788-23, Helene von Damm, Office of Presidential Personnel. 05/05/1981.

C35300-18, Peter Wallison, Office of the Counsel to the President. 06/03/1986.

C13419-11, Faith Whittlesey, Deputy Assistant for Public Liaison. 03/15/1983.

C943-15, Rich Williamson, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. 02/27/1981.

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C14166, Class Photo of Assistants and Deputy Assistants to the President. (Ed Meese, James Baker, Michael Deaver, James Brady, William Clark, Richard Darman, Ken Duberstein, Fred Fielding, Craig Fuller, David Gergen, Ed Harper, John Herrington, Ed Hickey, James Jenkins, Ed Rollins, Faith Whittlesey, Rich Williamson, Helene von Damm, Lee Atwater, Aram Bakshian, Michael Baroody, Ken Cribb, Richard Hauser, Alan Holmer, Robert McFarlane, Michael McManus, M.B. Oglesby, Roger Porter, John F.W. Rogers, James Rosebush, Karna Small, Larry Speakes, Pamela Turner, Charles Tyson, Jonathon Vipond). 04/25/1983.

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C17091, Class Photo of Assistants to the Presidents. (Ed Meese, James Baker, Michael Deaver, William Clark, James Brady, Richard Darman, Ken Duberstein, Fred Fielding, Craig Fuller, David Gergen, John Herrington, Ed Hickey, James Jenkins, Michael McManus, John F.W. Rogers, Ed Rollins, Larry Speakes, Jack Svahn, Lee Verstandig, Faith Whittlesey). 09/19/1983.