Appendix C - Checklist of White House Press Releases
The following list contains releases of the Office of the Press Secretary which are not included in the 1983 Public Papers.

Released January 1, 1983
Advance text:
Radio address to the Nation on New Year’s Day

Released January 2, 1983
Fact Sheet:
The President’s trip to Monroe, La., to inspect the flood damage.

Released January 3, 1983
Press briefing on the establishment of the President’s Commission on Strategic Forces – by Brent Scowcroft, Chairman of the Commission.

Released January 6, 1983
Fact sheet:
Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982

Released January 7, 1983
Submission to the President of the report of Emergency Board No. 199 to investigate a railroad labor dispute

Fact Sheet:
Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982

Press briefing on U.S. voluntary assistance for Lebanon – by M. Peter McPherson, Administrator of the Agency for International Development and the President’s personal representative for U.S. disaster assistance to Lebanon.

Released January 10, 1983
Press briefing on his meeting with the President to discuss the situation in the Middle East – by Ambassador Philip C. Habib, the President’s Special Representative for the Middle East

Released January 11, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual meeting of the American Farm Bureau Federation in Dallas, Tex.

Press briefing on the implementation of the agricultural payment-in-kind program (held January 10) – by Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block

Fact Sheet:
Agricultural payment-in-kind program

Released January 13, 1983
Press Briefing on the 1983 information collection budget – by Christopher DeMuth, Administrator for Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget

Fact Sheet:
1983 information collection budget

Released January 14, 1983
Fact Sheet:
Indian policy statement

Released January 15, 1983
Fact sheet:
Recommendations of the National Commission on Social Security Reform

Released January 19, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at a fundraising dinner for Senator Charles H Percy in Chicago Ill.

Released January 20, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks to the Reagan Foundation Executive Forum

Released January 21, 1983
Press briefing following their meeting with the President on the next rounds of the strategic arms reduction talks (START) and intermediate-range nuclear force (INF) negotiations – by Ambassadors Edward L. Rowny and Paul H. Nitze

Consumer Price Index for December – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic

Press briefing on the Consumer Price Index for December – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Released January 25, 1983
Advance text:
The State of the Union Address

Fact sheet:
The State of the Union Address

Released January 27, 1983
Press briefing on his upcoming visit to Europe - by the Vice President

Released January 28, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at a meeting with the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia

Press Briefing on the index of leading economic indicators for December - by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council Economic Advisers

Nomination of Gregory Wright Carman to be a Judge of the United States Court of International Trade

Nomination of A. Joe Fish to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Texas, Shirley Wohl Kram to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York, and Pamela Ann Rymer to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California

Nomination of James W. Diehm to be United States Attorney for the District of the Virgin Islands

Nomination of Ronald J. Alles to be United States Marshal for the District of Montana and James C. Patterson to be United States Marshal for the Western District of Arkansas

Released January 31, 1933
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual convention of the National Religious Broadcasters

Released February 1, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks to the Saint Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association in Missouri

Released February 2, 1983
Press briefing on the Economic Report of the President - by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Released February 3, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast

Released February 8, 1983
Excerpt from a question-and-answer session with editorial page writers

Fact Sheet:
U.S. membership in African Development Bank

U.S. membership in the African Development Bank - by Wila Mung’Omba, President of the African Development Bank, and Thomas Dawson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Developing Nations).

Released February 10, 1983
Nomination of John P. Volz to be United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana

Released February 11, 1983
Press briefing on their trips to Europe and the Far East – by the Vice President and Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Released February 14, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks via satellite to the Young Presidents Organization in Tucson, Ariz.

Released February 16, 1983
Press briefing on proposed tuition tax credit legislation – by Gary L. Jones, Under Secretary of Education for Planning, Budget and Education

Fact sheet:
Proposed tuition tax credit legislation

Released February 17, 1983
Press briefing on the upcoming Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference – by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Fact Sheet:
Project Transport

Released February 18, 1983
Fact Sheet:
Government patent policy memorandum

Advance Text:
Remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference dinner

Released February 22, 1983
Fact Sheet:
Freedoms Foundation American Friendship Medal

Advance text:
Remarks at the annual Washington conference of the American Legion

Released February 23, 1983
Fact sheet:
Presidential Medal of Freedom

List of individuals receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Released February 24, 1983
Fact sheet:
Proposed federalism legislation

Meeting of the Cabinet Council on Natural Resources and Environment to discuss proposed natural gas deregulation – by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Released February 25, 1983
Press briefing on the Consumer Price Index for January – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

The President’s visit to Klamath Falls, Oreg., on March 5

Released February 28, 1983
Fact sheet:
Proposed natural gas deregulation legislation

Fact sheet:
Health care incentives reform summary

Released March 2, 1983
Fact sheet:
International Monetary Fund

Advance text:
Toast at a dinner honoring Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom in San Francisco, Calif.

Released March 3, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at a luncheon meeting of the U.S. Olympic Committee in Los Angeles, Calif.

Released March 4, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco

Released March 7, 1983
Fact sheet:
Enterprise zone employment and development legislation

Released March 8, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, Fla.

Fact sheet:
School Prayer

Nomination of Daniel A. Bent to be United States Attorney for the District of Hawaii

Released March 10, 1983
Nomination of Eugene M. Corr to be United States Marshal for the Western District of Washington

Advance text:
Remarks at the annual meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers

Fact sheet:
U.S. oceans policy

Released March 11, 1983
Press briefing on proposed employment legislation – by Secretary of Labor Raymond J. Donovan

Fact sheet:
Proposed employment legislation

Released March 15, 1983
Nomination of William H. Barbour, Jr., to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi

Released March 16, 1983
Press briefing on proposed crime control legislation – by Attorney General William French Smith

Fact sheet:
Proposed crime control legislation

Released March 17, 1983
Press briefing on proposed education assistance legislation – by Secretary of Education Terrel H. Bell

Fact sheet:
Proposed education assistance legislation

Released March 18, 1983
Press briefing on a House budget proposal – by David A. Stockman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Released March 21, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks to Department of Agriculture employees on National Agriculture Day

Released March 23, 1983
Press briefing on the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System – by Counsellor to the President Edwin Meese III, John M. Walker, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Enforcement and Operations), and Carlton E. Turner, Director of the White House Office of Drug Abuse Policy

Advance text:
Address to the Nation on defense and national security

Charts and photographs displayed during the address to the Nation on defense and national security

Released March 25, 1983
Press briefing on the updating of the economic forecast and budget revision figures – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Updating of the economic forecast and budget revision figures – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers (as read at the press briefing)

Released March 30, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks on the U.S. proposal for an interim arms agreement forwarded at the Intermediate-range Nuclear Force negotiations in Geneva

Fact sheet:
U.S. proposal for an interim arms agreement

Submission to the President of the report of Emergency Board No. 200 to investigate a railroad labor dispute

Nomination of Moody R. Tidwell III to be a Judge of the United States Claims Court

Released March 31, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council meeting in California

Fact sheet:
U.S. proposals on arms control as announced by the President in his remarks to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council meeting in California

Press briefing on arms control – by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Released April 4, 1983
Fact sheet:
Long Island Rail Road

Released April 6, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the National Conference on the Dislocated Worker in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Fact sheet:
Civil Rights Commission reauthorization legislation

Released April 11, 1983
Press briefing on the report of the President’s Commission on Strategic Forces – by Chairman Brent Scowcroft, members, and senior counselors of the Commission

Nomination of Ricardo H. Hinojosa to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Texas and Julia Smith Gibbons to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Tennessee

Advance text:
Remarks to the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors

Released April 12, 1983
Nomination of Rudolph W. Giuliani to be United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York and Edward S. G. Dennis, Jr., to be United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Nomination of Charles F. Goggin III to be United States Marshal for the Middle District of Tennessee and Ronald A. Donell to be United States Marshal for the Northern District of West Virginia

Convening of the White House Conference on Productivity on September 22 and 23 in Washington, D.C.

Fact Sheet:
White House Conference on Productivity

Released April 14, 1983
Press briefing on the Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference – by W. Allen Wallis, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the President’s Personal Representative for the 1983 summit

Nomination of Joel M. Flaum to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit

Nomination of H. Ted Milburn to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee

Released April 15, 1983
Press Briefing on the economy – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

1982 income tax return of the President and Mrs. Reagan

Released April 18, 1983
Nomination of Stephen F. Eilperin to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Released April 19, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks endorsing the recommendations in the final report of the President’s Commission on Strategic Forces

Released April 22, 1983
Press briefing on the US proposal of long-term grain agreement negotiations with the Soviet Union – by U.S.  Trade Representative William E. Brock, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Richard E. Lyng, and Mark Palmer, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs

Released April 25, 1983
Fact sheet:
Enrico Fermi Award

Press briefing on the proposed reorganization of international trade responsibilities within the executive branch and the creation of a unified Cabinet-level department – by Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige and Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer

Released April 26, 1983
Press briefing on the report of the National Commission on Excellence in Education – by Secretary of Education Terrel H. Bell and Dr. David P. Gardiner, Chairman of the Commission

Fact sheet:
National Commission of Excellence in Education

Released April 27, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual convention of the American Newspaper Publishers Association in New York City

Advance text:
Address before a joint session of Congress on Central America

Released April 29, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at a fundraising dinner for Senator John Tower in Houston, Tex.

Released May 2, 1983
Nomination of Bobby Ray Baldock to be United States District Judge for the District of New Mexico

Nomination of George W. Proctor to be United States Attorney for the Eastern of Arkansas

Released May 3, 1983
Press briefing on the administration’s commitment to historically black colleges and universities – by Secretary of Education Terell H. Bell

Released May 5, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at Cinco de Mayo ceremonies in San Antonio, Tex.

Fact sheet:
Working Group on Southwestern Border States

Released May 6, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual members banquet of the National Rifle Association in Phoenix, Ariz.

Released May 11, 1983
Nomination of Charles E. Clapp II to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court

Nomination of Leonard D. Wexler to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York

Press briefing on his meeting with the President to discuss his trip to the Middle East and Paris – by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Released May 12, 1983
Press briefing on his meeting with the President to discuss the resumption of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Force negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland – by Ambassador Paul H. Nitze

Advance Text:
Remarks at the Republican Senate-House campaign committees fundraising dinner

Released May 13, 1983
Press briefing on the Index of Industrial Production and Producer Price Index for April – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Released May 16, 1983
Advance Text:
Remarks to the National Association of Home Builders

Released May 18, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the swearing-in ceremony for Williams D. Ruckelshaus as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

Released May 20, 1983
Advance texts:
Remarks at a Cuban Independence Day celebration in Miami, Fla. (two releases, one in Spanish)

Released May 21, 1983
Advance text:
Address at commencement exercises at Seton Hall University in South Orange, N.J.

Released May 23, 1983
Fact sheet:
Presidential “E” and “E Star” Awards

Released May 24, 1983
Nomination of Pasco M. Bowman II to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit

Fact sheet:
Direct communication links between the United States and the Soviet Union and other measures to enhance stability

Consumer Price Index for April – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Press briefing on the Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference – by Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Secretary of the Treasury Donald T. Regan

Press briefing on the Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference – by W. Allen Wallis, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Beryl W. Sprinkel, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs, and Henry Nau, senior staff member of the National Security Council

Released May 26, 1983
Nomination of Gene Carter to be United States District Judge for the District of Maine and Hector M. Lafitte to be United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico

Released May 27, 1983
Press briefing on the nomination of Langhorne A. Motley to be Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs and the President’s intention to nominate Thomas O. Enders for a major diplomatic post – by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Released May 29, 1983
Joint statement of the Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference participants concerning security issues (as read by Secretary of State George P. Shultz on behalf of the participants)

Press briefing on the joint statement of the Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference participants concerning security issues – by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Press briefing on the discussions at the Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference – by Secretary of the Treasury Donald T. Regan

Released May 30, 1983
Press briefing on the discussions at the Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference – by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Press briefing on the discussions at the Williamsburg Economic Summit Conference – by Secretary of the Treasury Donald T. Regan

Bilateral meeting between the President and Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany – by an administration official

Released June 1, 1983
Press briefing on the details of the proposed Department of International Trade and Industry – by Counsellor to the President Edwin Meese III, Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldridge, Ambassador William E. Brock, U.S. Trade Representative, and Senator William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware

Statement by Ambassador Edward L. Rowny, Special Representative for Negotiations, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, following his meeting with the President to discuss the resumption of the strategic arms reduction talks (START) in Geneva

Released June 3, 1983
Press briefing on the unemployment figures for May – by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Released June 6, 1983
Nomination of Peter C. Dorsey to be United States District Judge for the District of Connecticut and Stephen N. Limbaugh to be United States District Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri

Submission to the President of the report of Emergency Board No. 201 to investigate a railroad labor dispute

Released June 8, 1983
Strategic arms reduction talks (as read by the President to reporters in the Rose Garden)

Released June 15, 1983
Remarks at the annual convention of the National Parent-Teacher Association in Albuquerque, N. Mex.

Advance text:
Remarks at the annual convention of the National Parent-Teacher Association in Albuquerque, N. Mex.

Released June 20, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at a dinner honoring Representative Trent Lott in Jackson, Miss.

Released June 21, 1983
Nomination of Martin Katz to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Nomination of James McGirr Kelly to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Nomination of Thomas N. O’Neill to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Released June 22, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the national conference of the National Federation of Independent Business

Released June 23, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual meeting of the American Medical Association's House of Delegates in Chicago Ill.

Released June 27, 1983
On the receipt by the White House from Patrick Caddell, former campaign pollster for Jimmy Carter, of a copy of “the briefing book used by President Carter in his preparation for the October 28, 1980, debate,” as well as “the supplementary foreign policy questions and answers” - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Released June 28, 1983
Fact sheet:
President’s Commission on Industrial Competitiveness

Materials being released to the public, together with related documents, that relate to allegations concerning certain briefing materials that the 1980 Reagan campaign organization may have received from the Carter campaign or the Carter administration

Nomination of Stephen J. Swift to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court

Nomination of Judith W. Rogers be an Associate Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals

Nomination of Bruce D. Beaudin and A. Franklin Burgess to be Associate Judges of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Released June 29, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual leadership conference at the National Vocational Industrial Clubs of America in Louisville, Ky.

Advance text:
Remarks at the national conference of the National Association of Student Councils in Shawnee Mission, Kans.

Advance text:
Remarks at the regional forum of the National Commission on Excellence and Education in Whittier, Calif.

Advance text:
Remarks at a California Republican Party fundraising dinner in Long Beach

Released July 5, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual convention of the American Federation of Teachers in Los Angeles, Calif.

The President's decision to grant import relief to the U.S. specialty steel industry - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Press briefing on the import relief program for the specialty steel industry - by Ambassador William E. Brock, United States Trade Representative

Released July 12, 1983
Fact sheet:
Proposed fair housing legislation

Press briefing on the proposed fair housing legislation - by William Bradford Reynolds, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, and John J. Knapp, General Counsel of the Department of Housing and Urban Development

Nomination of Kenneth W. Starr to be United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit

Released July 14, 1983
Fact sheet:
Executive Order 12432, minority business enterprise development

Released July 18, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the 47th quadrennial convention of the International Longshoremen's Association in Hollywood, Fla.

Released July 19, 1983
Nomination of Thomas C. Rapone to be United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and James B. Roche III to be United States Marshal for the District of Massachusetts

Released July 20, 1983
Nomination of Morton R. Galane to be United States District Judge for the District of Nevada and John F. Keenan to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York

Released July 21, 1983
Press briefing on his meeting with the President to discuss the Intermediate-range Nuclear Force negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland - by Ambassador Paul H. Nitze, U.S. Representative to the negotiations

Released July 22, 1983
Press briefing on his appointment as the President's Personal Representative in the Middle East - by Robert C. McFarlane, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

Released July 28, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks on signing Executive Order 12435, establishing the President's Commission on Organized Crime

Fact sheet:
President's Commission on Organized Crime

Press briefing on the President's Commission on Organized Crime - by Attorney General William French Smith, William H. Webster, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Judge Irving R. Kaufman, Chairman-designate of the Commission

Press briefing on a United States-Soviet Union long-term grain sales agreement - by Ambassador William E. Brock, United States Trade Representative, and Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block

Advance text:
Remarks at a White House reception for members of the National Council of Negro Women

Released July 29, 1983
Press briefing on Labor Department release of figures on business sector output, productivity, and average labor cost of production - by Martin S. Feldstein, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Released August 1, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual meeting of the American Bar Association in Atlanta, Ga.

Released August 2, 1983
Fact sheet:
Proposed management improvement initiatives

Released August 5, 1983
Round four of the strategic arms reduction talks (as read by Ambassador Edward L. Rowny, Special Representative for Negotiations, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, at his press briefing)

Press briefing on his meeting with the President to discuss round four of the strategic arms reduction talks - by Ambassador Edward L. Rowny, Special Representative for Negotiations, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Released August 12, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual convention of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Tampa, Fla.

Released August 13, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the 35th annual convention of the American G.I. Forum in El Paso, Tex.

Press briefing on the establishment of an interagency action group to implement recommendations of the Southwestern Border States Working Group - by Assistant to the President for Cabinet Affairs Craig L. Fuller

Fact sheet:
Federal initiatives in the Southwest border region

Released August 14, 1983
Press briefing on the meeting between President Reagan and President Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado of Mexico - by Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Bernardo Sepulveda Amor

Released August 15, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the 84th annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in New Orleans, La.

Released August 23, 1983
Text of remarks at the 65th annual national convention of the American Legion in Seattle, Wash.

Advance text:
Remarks at the 65th annual national convention of the American Legion in Seattle, Wash.

Released August 25, 1983
Text of remarks at the Hispanic Economic Outlook Preview luncheon in Los Angeles, Calif.

Advance text:
Remarks at the Hispanic Economic Outlook Preview luncheon in Los Angeles, Calif.

Released August 26, 1983
Text of remarks at the Republican Women's Leadership Forum in San Diego, Calif.

Advance text:
Remarks at the Republican Women's Leadership Forum in San Diego, Calif.

Released August 31, 1983
Fact sheet:
Federal employee pay increase

Released September 3, 1983
Press briefing following his meeting with the President - by Ambassador Paul H. Nitze, U.S. Representative to the Intermediate-range Nuclear Force negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland

On the Intermediate-range Nuclear Force negotiations - by Ambassador Paul H. Nitze, U.S. Representative to the negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland

Released September 5, 1983
Advance text:
Address to the Nation on the Soviet attack on Korean Air Lines Flight 007

Fact sheet:
Address to the Nation on the Soviet attack on Korean Air Lines Flight 007

Fact sheet:
U.S.-U.S.S.R. agreement on cooperation in the field of transportation

Radio transmissions of two Soviet pilots who participated in the attack on Korean Air Lines Flight 007

Released September 7, 1983
Fact sheet:
Proposed adult literacy initiative

Released September 8, 1983
The President's meeting with the Cabinet Council on Legal Policy to review the third quarterly report of the Attorney General prepared pursuant to Executive Order 12336 of December 21, 1981, concerning gender-based distinction in Federal statutes

Press briefing on the President's meeting with the Cabinet Council on Legal Policy to review the third quarterly report of the Attorney General concerning gender-based distinction in Federal statutes - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes and William B. Reynolds, Assistant Secretary of Justice for Civil Rights

Released September 9, 1983
Nomination of Martin L. C. Feldman to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Louisiana and C. Roger Vinson to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Florida

Released September 12, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks to the National Association of Towns and Townships

Fact sheet:
Proposed national productivity and innovation legislation

Released September 13, 1983
Fact sheet:
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching

Released September 14, 1983
Nomination of Maryanne Trump Barry to be United States District Judge for the District of New Jersey

Press briefing on the meeting of the International Civil Aviation Organization to be held in Montreal, Canada, on September 15, concerning the Soviet attack on Korean Air Lines Flight 007 - by Secretary of Transportation Elizabeth H. Dole, J. Lynn Helms, Administrator,  and Donald R. Segner, Associate Administrator for Policy and International Aviation, Federal Aviation Administration

Advance text:
Remarks at the Republican National Hispanic Assembly fundraising dinner

Released September 19, 1983
Nomination of Nan R. Huhn to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Released September 20, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks to the students and faculty of the University of South Carolina in Columbia

Advance text:
Remarks at a fundraising dinner for Senator Strom Thurmond in Columbia, S.C.

Nomination of Thomas J. Curran to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin

Released September 22, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the White House Conference on Productivity

Released September 25, 1983
Press briefing on the President's meetings throughout the day with foreign leaders and on the cease-fire in Lebanon - by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Released September 26, 1983
Press briefing on the cease-fire in Lebanon - by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Advance text:
Address to the 38th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, N.Y.

Fact sheet:
Address to the 38th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, N.Y.

Press briefing on foreign policy issues and the President's meetings with foreign leaders throughout the day - by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Fact sheet:
Challenge Grant Amendments of 1983

Released September 27, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the annual meetings of the Board of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

Released September 28, 1983
Press briefing on the President's decision to reduce interest rates on natural disaster emergency loans for eligible farmers in drought-stricken areas of the country - by Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block

Released September 29, 1983
Press briefing on the proposed pension equity legislation - by Nancy J. Risque, Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs and Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs, and Daniel Benjamin, Acting Assistant Secretary for Policy, Department of Labor

Fact sheet:
Proposed pension equity legislation

Released October 3, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at a dinner marking the 10th anniversary of the Heritage Foundation

Released October 4, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks announcing new U.S. initiatives in the strategic arms reduction talks

Fact sheet:
New U.S. initiatives in the strategic arms reduction talks

Press briefing on the 1983 National Energy Policy Plan - by Secretary of Energy Donald Paul Hodel

Released October 5, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at a ceremony marking the beginning of the job training partnership program

Released October 6, 1983
Remarks at the barbecue on the South Grounds of the White House for Members of Congress

Released October 7, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at the 22d biennial convention of the National Federation of Republican Women

Released October 13, 1983
On the increase in retail sales - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

On his nomination to be Secretary of the Interior - by Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs William P. Clark

Released October 14, 1983
On the increase in industrial production - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Nomination of Daniel J. Horgan to be United States Marshal for the Southern District of Florida

Released October 18, 1983
Deployment of Soviet short- and medium-range missiles - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Research and development in ballistic missile defense - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Released October 19, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks at a celebration marking the 25th anniversary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Released October 20, 1983
Gross national product figures for the third quarter - by the Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Meeting of the Cabinet Council on Commerce and Trade to discuss broadcast syndication rules - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Released October 24, 1983
Nomination of Thomas G. Hull to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee

Press briefing following their meeting with the President to discuss issues of concern to women - by Representatives Bobbi Fiedler of California, Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, Barber B. Conable, Jr., of New York, and Lynn Martin of Illinois

Fact sheet:
Tax equity for women

Released October 25, 1983
Consumer Price Index figures for September - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Released October 27, 1983
Telex received by the President supporting U.S. action in Grenada from students of St. George's University School of Medicine at Kingston Medical College, St. Vincent

Advance text:
Address to the Nation on events in Lebanon and Grenada

Released October 28, 1983
Index of leading economic indicators for September - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Nomination of Lenore Carrero Nesbitt to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida

Released October 29, 1983
Advance text:
Radio address to the Nation on nuclear weapons

Released October 31, 1983
Nomination of W. Eugene Davis to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit

Nomination of Stanley S. Harris to be United States District Judge for the District of Columbia, G. Kendall Sharp to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Florida, and George E. Woods to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan

Released November 1, 1983
Nomination of Joseph E. diGenova to be United States Attorney for the District of Columbia

Released November 2, 1983
Nomination of Jane A. Restani to be a Judge of the United States Court of International Trade

Released November 3, 1983
United Nations General Assembly resolution on U.S. action in Grenada - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Press briefing on the President's trip to Japan and the Republic of Korea - by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Advance text:
Remarks at the Reagan-Bush campaign reunion

Released November 4, 1983
Remarks to military personnel at Cherry Point, N.C., on the casualties in Lebanon and Grenada

Advance text:
Remarks to military personnel at Cherry Point, N.C., on the casualties in Lebanon and Grenada

Released November 8, 1983
Advance text:
Remarks on departure for the trip to Japan and the Republic of Korea

Nomination of Elizabeth V. Hallanan to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of West Virginia

Released November 10, 1983
Advance text:
Toast at a luncheon hosted by Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone of Japan in Tokyo

Press briefing on the joint U.S.-Japanese statement on the yen-dollar exchange rate - by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury R. T. McNamar

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Remarks at a reception for American and Japanese businessmen in Tokyo

Advance text:
Toast at the imperial banquet hosted by Emperor Hirohito of Japan in Tokyo

Producer Price Index figures for October - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Released November 11, 1983
Advance text:
Address before the Japanese Diet in Tokyo

Press briefing on the President's visit to Japan - by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Nomination of John R. Hargrove to be United States District Judge for the District of Maryland

Nomination of James Harvie Wilkinson III to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit

Released November 12, 1983
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Remarks on arrival in Seoul, Republic of Korea

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Address before the Korean National Assembly in Seoul

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Remarks at a reception for Korean community leaders in Seoul

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Toast at the state dinner hosted by President Chun Doo Hwan of Korea in Seoul

Released November 13, 1983
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Remarks to U.S. troops at Camp Liberty Bell, Republic of Korea

Press briefing on the President's visit to the Republic of Korea - by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Released November 14, 1983
The President's trip to Japan and the Republic of Korea (as read by the President on returning to the White House)

Released November 16, 1983
Press briefing on their meeting with the President to discuss enterprise zones legislation - by Mayors George Voinovich of Cleveland, Ohio; John Smith of Prichard, Ala.; and Vincent Schoemehl of St. Louis, Mo.; and Councilman Michael Lyons of Norwalk, Conn.

Released November 23, 1983
Information on the heart surgery performed on Ahn Ji Sook, the 7-year-old Korean girl who accompanied the President on his return from the Republic of Korea

Released December 5, 1983
Press briefing on the mission of the space shuttle Columbia and the Spacelab - by James M. Beggs, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Erik Quistgaard, director general of the European Space Agency

Released December 6, 1983
Press briefing on his meeting with the President - by Prime Minister Kennedy Alphonse Simmonds of St. Christopher-Nevis

Released December 7, 1983
Remarks to reporters concerning the 20th anniversary of Connie Gerrard Romero as a member of the White House Press Office staff - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes

Released December 8, 1983
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Remarks at the National Forum on Excellence in Education in Indianapolis, Ind.

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Remarks at a reception sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

Released December 12, 1983
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Remarks at the annual convention of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society in New York, N.Y.

Released December 14, 1983
Remarks and a question-and-answer session on foreign policy issues with editors of Gannett newspapers - by Secretary of State George P. Shultz

Released December 16, 1983
U.S. textile trade policy and procedures - by Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes